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Submitted By hamadaalamal
Words 655
Pages 3
The problems of the online shopping
Lose the Tactile Experience
When you shop online, you don't have an opportunity to touch and feel items you are considering purchasing. With some products - like books and electronic equipment - this isn't an important consideration. However, with clothing, bedding, pillows, furniture, rugs and other textile-based merchandise, it can be hard to gauge quality without hands-on contact. Fit is also a concern with any kind of apparel.
2. Shipping Adds to the Cost
What looks like a bargain might not be such a good deal when the shipping and handling charges are tallied and added to the total. Make sure that you look closely at exactly how much you are likely to need to pay to have your merchandise delivered to your door - or to the person you are purchasing it for - before finalizing your purchase decision.
It's essential to be aware of the return policy for any e-commerce retailer you are considering doing business with. The majority of sites do not pay return shipping if you have to send something back, so it often costs you more money than you planned to spend if you need to exchange an item.
Returning merchandise for a refund can also be costly. Most online retailers do not refund shipping costs - not the cost of return postage or the original shipping charge. This can mean that, for relatively low-dollar items, it can cost you nearly as much to return an item as it does to just keep the merchandise.
4. Dealing with an Unknown Vendor
When you are shopping online, unless you are purchasing from a well-known e-tailer like Amazon or Zappos or the online arm of a department store likeKohl's or JC Penney, you really don't know who you are doing business with. Anybody can open an online store - especially with products that are easy to access through a drop-shopping company - but not everyone is honest and reputable.

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