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Revenge In The Odyssey Essay

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In books 23 and 24 of the Odyssey, the audience finally witnesses the fatal revenge Odysseus carries out upon the suitors, rekindling his love with Penelope, and the return to his rightful place as king of Ithaka. There are many crucial topics within the climax of the epic that will be addressed further through analysis. The first topic that is evident in book 23 is revenge, as Odysseus reclaims the home that was taken from him by the disrespectful suitors. Throughout the course of the epic, Odysseus’ arrival to Ithaka has been anticipated, along with his anger and rage towards the suitors who not only dishonoured his home, but his people and wife as well. A quote taken from the epic states, “You took my house to plunder, twisted my maids to serve your beds. You dared bid my wife while I was still alive. Contempt was all you had for the gods who rule wide heaven, contempt for what men say of you hereafter. Your last hour has come. You die in blood.” (Fitzgerald, 410) The suitors’ retribution was clear as they brought death upon themselves by their shameful actions in Odysseus’ household.
The next clear idea that is presented in the epic is the topic of corrupt hospitality. The suitors are brought to their downfall with the food they have …show more content…
Although Penelope has a feeling that the man in front of her is indeed her husband, she needs to make sure that it is in fact, Odysseus himself. Therefore, she uses a secret sign that only the two would know. The cunning woman tells Odysseus that the marriage bed has been moved, he replies with, “Who dared to move my bed? No builder had the skill for that - unless a god came down to turn the trick. No mortal in his best days could budge it with a crowbar. There is our pact and pledge, our secret sign, built into that bed – my handiwork and no one else’s!” This secret sign reassured Penelope that it is Odysseus who has finally come

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