Premium Essay

Ritz Carton


Submitted By jolieroger
Words 1583
Pages 7
Ritz-Carlton Hotel Co. and Supplement

Case Study & Presentation

The Ritz-Carlton Experience

Service is very important aspect in doing business in the hospitality industry. Basically, the Ritz-Carlton is selling a service. They show their service philosophy to new employees on the first day of orientation “We are not is the hotel business. The hotel business is about selling rooms, selling food, selling the bar. We do these things incidentally, but our business is service. We charge for service. Our commitment to our customers is excellence in service. Service is our profession”(p. 13). Therefore, The Ritz-Carlton is not only selling rooms and food but also selling services combined with the products so customers can experience their stay at Ritz Carlton with a high-level standard of expectation.

Respect given to employees is the key to success at the Ritz-Carlton. With the motto “We are Ladies and Gentlemen serving Ladies and Gentleman”, Schulze showed respect to his employees as they were ladies and gentlemen. He also created a good work environment based on mutual respect between employers and employees, as well as between employees and co-workers. His philosophy helped the Ritz-Carlton’s annual turnover rate stay at low 20%, compared with industry average of 100%. The number reflected his strategy was helpful.

Besides that, the Gold Standards helped employees understand and comprehend the organization’s atmosphere. The standards keep employees motivated in this high quality work environment and in return employees will delivery outstanding customer service, great hospitality and respect.

The 7-Day Countdown to Create "Ladies and Gentlemen" The concept of "Ladies and Gentlemen" came from Schulze, the president and CEO of Ritz-Carlton. He believes that employees are not servants but are Ladies and

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