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Romeo And Juliet's Relationship

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Juliet is presented as reserved and obedient, however, she possesses an inner strength that enables her to possess maturity beyond her years. Juliet is a young girl who loves her parents and does her best to please them. She “[looks] to like, if looking liking move; / But no more deep will [she] endart [her] eye / Than your consent gives strength to make it fly.” (1.3.98-100). Juliet’s mother pushes Juliet towards Paris, and asks her to see if he would interest her. Even though Juliet has not ever been interested in Paris, she agrees to dance with him see if he would appeal to her. Juliet is compliant with her mother’s wishes, as she does not want to disobey her. When Juliet falls in love with Romeo, she lies and ignores her parent’s wishes. …show more content…
After Juliet’s argument with her parents over her proposed marriage to Paris, she goes to Friar Lawrence. Juliet tells him to “Give [her] some present counsel, or behold, / ‘Twixt my extremes and me this bloody knife / Shall play the umpire, arbitrating that / Which the commission of thy years and art / Could to no issue of true honour bring.” (4.1.61-65). Juliet says that if Friar Lawrence doesn’t have an idea to unite her and Romeo, that Juliet will stab herself with a knife. Juliet is also quick to her point unlike Romeo and his many ramblings. By being determined and succinct in front of Friar Lawrence, Juliet proves that she had her own ideas and will get what she wants. Friar Lawrence quickly obliges and does what he can to help. Juliet grows into a woman who isn’t passive or obedient, but instead, powerful. When Juliet wakes up from her “death” with Romeo’s dead body next to her, she immediately knows what she wants to do. “This is thy sheath; / there rust, and let me die.” (5.3.170-171). Juliet realizes the mistake Romeo had made and she quickly comes to the realization that, to be happy, she must be dead along with Romeo. While when Romeo is contemplating killing himself, he rambles on and on about his life and his love for Juliet. But when Juliet is about to kill herself, she simply observes Romeo’s state, tells Friar Lawrence to leave, and stabs herself. Juliet …show more content…
Juliet’s Nurse is her one and only confidant about Romeo. Juliet trusts the nurse, and has a closer relationship with her than her own mother. Juliet tells the Nurse about Romeo and sends her out with a note for him. When the Nurse finds Romeo, she says her “young lady bid me to inquire you out; what / she bid me say, I will keep to myself.” (2.4.149-150). Even though Lady Capulet and Old Capulet do not know about Romeo, the Nurse goes out of her way to find Romeo which shows her love and care for Juliet. As Juliet grows, she realizes that the Nurse does not make good decisions and that she is not a good mentor for her. The nurse thinks “it best you married with the County. / O, he’s a lovely gentleman! / Romeo’s dishclout to him.” (3.5.217-219). The Nurse wants Juliet to marry Paris even though Juliet is already married. After the Nurse leaves, Juliet says, “Ancient damnation! O most / wicked fiend! / Is it more sin to wish me thus forsworn, / Or to dispraise my lord with that same tongue / Which she hath prais’d him above compare / So many thousand times?” (3.5.235-239). Juliet thinks the Nurse is sinful and horrible for suggesting that Paris is better than Romeo. This shows that Juliet not only does not trust the Nurse’s judgement anymore, but she no longer thinks of her as a mother figure. Even the night before her wedding to Paris, she asks her mother and

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