Premium Essay

Rural Urban Migration


Submitted By Laojiang
Words 697
Pages 3
Rural-urban migration is people moving from small areas of the country side into urban

areas.Rural-urban migration is important to the growth and development of countries because as

countries pursue growth and development areas,people need to build urban centres and modern

buildings.This calls for people in the rural areas desiring to move to the urban areas.Nowadays in

Myanmar there are a lot of changing happened likes construction and transportation.Consequences of

this effect,the population of people in Myanmar will higher than before and also the part of financial and

the country's economy.This essay will discuss two positive and negative effects of rural-urban migration to

the growth and development of Myanmar country.

Firstly,it's about the positive effect of rural-urban migration.Finding jobs is the one of the

advantage of the effect.Being a big city there must be a lot of companies,banks and malls.That's why

people have a lot of work opportunities and a better salary can be earn.For example,in rural areas people

can only earn a small amount of money and finding a jobs in urban areas may be easier than in rural

areas.The second is the education.Now people in urban areas have science labs, operation rooms and

technical supplement for education.There are many improvement in the quality of education because the

study method and school should be same standard as the other countries.For example,in Myanmar when

i was young i started learning in rural school,at that time there's no computer lab and science lab at our

school and also the teaching learning materials and teaching strategy are not so improve than urban

schools.This is the advantages of rural-urban migration to the urban areas.

Next,it's about the negative effect of rural-urban migration to the

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