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Submitted By angelyncamille
Words 2850
Pages 12
ANGELYN CAMILLE MENDOZA LOCAL FISCAL ADMINISTRATION * Fiscal administration refers to systems, structures, processes, resources, and the policy, environment, government, the inter-governmental and inter-local fiscal relations, affecting among others, the following: * the giving of allotments and grants by the national government (NG) to local government units (LGUs); * sharing of taxing powers between the NG and the LGUs, and among LGUs units; * policy on tax rates and structure; * revenue and expenditure planning; * revenue utilization and expenditure allocation; * monitoring and approval of budgets, tax ordinances and other fiscal measures; * policy on borrowing and borrowing instruments; and * appointment and supervision of local fiscal officers. ORGANIZING FOR LOCAL FISCAL ADMINISTRATION: Fiscal activity is present in all levels of the organization, whether line or staff; top management level through middle management; the rank and file. Top management is most interested in it; middle management is deeply involved in it; the rank and file is affected by whatever results from it. ORGANIZING FOR FISCAL ADMINISTRATION: The principal agencies tasked with fiscal functions: 1. Congress, especially the Lower House - Congress is responsible for revenue and expenditure policies. 2. Department of Finance - Revenue generation and collection - Fund custody - Disbursements - Keeping of accounts 3. Department of Budget and Management - Review of estimates and fiscal policy studies are done by the Department of Budget and Management in close consultation with the National Economic Development Authority; The Central Bank and other economic planning entities of the state to see to it that fiscal plans and programs are geared

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...- SC Scientist - CRP6 CL CRP 6 Component Leader - RD Research Director - FSU Finance Service Unit - DC Director Communications - DG Director General - DR Donor Relation - SC Scientist - CRP6 CL CRP 6 Component Leader - RD Research Director - FSU Finance Service Unit - DC Director Communications - DG Director General - DR Donor Relation Daftar Workflow dan Pengujiannya pada Project Management System : Berikut ini daftar workflow pada aplikasi Project Management System. Saat melakukan initiate dokumen, pastikan melakukan Save Draft terlebih dahulu. Lalu setelah itu edit dokumen tersebut lalu Submit. Proposal 1. Proposal (nilai kontrak proposal > USD 250.000) Initiator: Scientist, Expected Result : Inbox masuk ke CRP 6 Component Leader & Research Director Proposal Layer 1 | No. | CRP 6 Component Leader | Expected Result | Research Director | Expected Result | Status Pengujian | PIC | 1. | Approve | * Inbox CRP6 CL hilang. * Inbox RD eksis. * Inbox FSU masih kosong (layer 2) * Inbox DC masih kosong (layer 2) * Inbox DG masih kosong (layer 2) | Approve | * Inbox CRP6 CL hilang. * Inbox RD hilang. * Inbox FSU masuk. (layer 2) * Inbox DC masuk. (layer 2) * Inbox DG masuk (layer 2) | OK | Salman | 2. | Approve | * Inbox CRP6 CL hilang. * Inbox RD eksis. * Inbox FSU masih kosong (layer 2) * Inbox DC masih kosong (layer 2) * Inbox DG masih kosong (layer 2) | Request For Revise |...

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