Premium Essay



Submitted By AaNj
Words 1077
Pages 5
When Children are doing nothing, they are doing mischief
~ Henry Fending
Using children as a focus point, William Golding speaks of human savagery in his novel The Lord of the Flies. He shines a light on human nature and behaviors using children as a paradigm to show what human beings are inside; savages. In his novel, Golding uses Jack in particular to show how total freedom can affect a human being.
When we are young, we grow up knowing that there are people who are here to protect us or here to cause us harm. The people that protect us are our parents, policemen and the members of our family. But those who harm us are the criminals, the bullies and the Jack Merridews of the world. In The Lord of the Flies ack poses as a threat to the rest of the boys. He is a natural bully and he has no respect for others; especially a young boy named Piggy. When he speaks to Piggy it always starts the same; “You’re talking too much… Shut up Fatty” (Golding 21). To Jack, insults were a way of life. Because he was not able to control the situation at hand, he felt the need to control everyone around him. He had taken this behavior from modern society. He learned that to survive in the normal world, he would have to be violent; he would have to hurt people. But as the societal bounds were removed from the boys, Jack felt the freedom of the island; and started to embrace the animal he really was inside. “Jack, his face smeared with clays, reached the top first and hailed Ralph excitedly, with lifted spear. ‘Look! We’ve killed the pig-we stole up on them…’” (Golding 91) In this section of the story, Jack had begun to embrace the lifestyle of a savage. The purpose of covering oneself with clays and paints is to hide. Jack realized that to be able to hunt the animals he had to become one with nature. And while wearing the face paint it acted like a mask; which divorced the

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