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Schedule of Filing of Returns


Submitted By student20162016
Words 2418
Pages 10
Schedule of Filing of Statutory Returns

1. Statutory Returns prescribed under the Companies Ordinance, 1984

|Name of Form |Relevant Provision|Description |Filing time |To be Filed with |Applicable on |Fees in Rupees |
| |of Companies | | | | | |
| |Ordinance, 1984. | | | | | |
|Circular |86(3) |Offer of new shares to |Before the circular is |Registrar |Company having |600 (online) |
| | |existing shareholders before |sent to shareholders. |concerned |share capital |1500 (offline) |
| | |making any allotment of | | | | |
| | |shares. | | | | |
|Form A/B |156, 3rd Schedule |Form A: Annual return of |If AGM is held, in any |Registrar | |600 (online) |
| | |company having share capital |year then: |concerned | |1500 (offline) |
| | | | | | | |
| | |Form B: Annual return of |Within 45 days from the| | | |
| | |company not having share |date of Annual General | |In case of | |
| | |capital |Meeting | |listed company | |
| | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | |
| | | |Within 30 days from the| |In case of any | |
| | | |date of Annual General | |other company | |
| | | |Meeting | | | |
| | | | | | | |
| | | |If AGM is not held, in | | | |
| | | |any year then: | | | |
| | | | | | | |
| | | |within: 45 days from | | | |
| | | |the 31st December of | | | |
| | | |that year | |In case of | |
| | | | | |listed company | |
| | | |Within 30 days from the| | | |
| | | |31st December of that | | | |
| | | |year | |In case of any | |
| | | | | |other company | |
|Annual Accounts | |Annual Audited Accounts | | | |600 (online) |
| | | | | | |1500 (offline) |
| | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | |
| |233 | |5 copies at least 21 |Registrar |In case of | |
| | | |days before Annual |concerned and |Listed company | |
| | | |General Meeting |Commission | | |
| | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | |
| | | |At least 3 copies |Registrar |In case of | |
| | | |within 30 days of |Concerned |Listed company | |
| |242 | |Annual General Meeting | | | |
| | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | |
| | | |At least 2 copies | |In case of | |
| | | |within 30 days of |Registrar |public | |
| | | |Annual General Meeting |Concerned |companies | |
| | | | | |(including | |
| | | | | |association not| |
| | | | | |for profit and | |
| | | | | |companies | |
| | | | | |limited by | |
| | | | | |guarantee) | |
| | | | | |and private | |
| | | | | |companies | |
| | | | | |having share | |
| | | | | |capital of Rs. | |
| | | | | |7.5 million or | |
| | | | | |more. | |

2. Statutory Returns prescribed under the Companies (General Provisions and Forms) Rules, 1985

|Name of Form |Relevant Section |Description |Filing time |To be Filed with |Applicable on |Fees in Rupees |
| |of Companies | | | | | |
| |Ordinance, 1984. | | | | | |
|Form-1 |30(2) |Declaration of applicant for |At the time of |Registrar |All types of |600 (online) |
| | |incorporation. |registration of the |concerned |companies |1500 (offline) |
| | | |Company | | | |
|Form-2 |44 |Application for conversion of|Upon conversion not |Commission |Public Company |600 (filing fee)+ |
| | |a public limited company into|later than 60 days of | | |2500(application fee) |
| | |private limited company. |passing of special | | |(online) |
| | | |resolution | | | |
| | | | | | |1500(filing fee)+ |
| | | | | | |5000(application fee) |
| | | | | | |(offline) |
|Form-3 |73 (1) |Return of allotments. |Within 30 days of the |Registrar |Companies |600 (online) |
| | | |date of allotment of |concerned |having share |1500 (offline) |
| | | |shares | |capital | |
|Form-4 |73 (2) |Particulars of Oral contract |Within 30 days of the |Registrar |Companies |600 (online) |
| | |relating to shares |date of allotment of |concerned |having share |1500 (offline) |
| | | |shares | |capital | |
|Form-5 |82 (1)(c)(ii) |Statement of the amount of |Before payment |Registrar |Public Unlisted|600 (online) |
| | |rate percent of the |of the |concerned |companies |1500 (offline) |
| | |commission payable in respect|commission | | | |
| | |of shares /debentures and of | | | | |
| | |the number of the | | | | |
| | |shares/debentures for which | | | | |
| | |persons have agreed to | | | | |
| | |subscribe for absolutely or | | | | |
| | |conditionally | | | | |
|Form-6 |92/93 |Notice of consolidation, |Within 15 days of the |Registrar |Companies |600 (online) |
| | |division or sub-division of |consolidation, |concerned |having share |1500 (offline) |
| | |shares, specifying the shares|division, sub division | |capital | |
| | |so consolidated, divided or |or cancellation of the | | | |
| | |sub-divided or the |shares. | | | |
| | |cancellation of shares | | | | |
| | |(otherwise than in connection| | | | |
| | |with a reduction of share | | | | |
| | |capital under section 96 of | | | | |
| | |the Companies Ordinance, | | | | |
| | |1984. | | | | |
|Form-7 |92/94 |Notice of increase in nominal|Within 15 days after |Registrar |Companies |600 (Filing Fee) + |
| | |share capital. |passing of resolution |concerned |having share |Registration Fee payable on |
| | | | | |capital |amount equal to Increased |
| | | | | | |Capital minus Fee paid on |
| | | | | | |capital immediately before |
| | | | | | |the increase, as applicable |
| | | | | | |in the |
| | | | | | |mode of submission. (online) |
| | | | | | | |
| | | | | | |1500 (Filing Fee)+ |
| | | | | | |Registration Fee |
| | | | | | |payable on amount equal to |
| | | | | | |Increased Capital minus Fee |
| | | | | | |paid on capital immediately |
| | | | | | |before the increase, as |
| | | | | | |applicable in the mode of |
| | | | | | |submission. (offline) |
|Form-8 |94 |Notice of increase in number |Within 15 days after |Registrar |Companies not |600 (online) |
| | |of members. |passing of resolution |concerned |having share |1500 (offline) |
| | | | | |capital | |
|Form-9 |108 |Notice of the Court’s Order |Within 15 days of the |Registrar |Companies |600 (online) |
| | |disallowing/confirming the |service of court order |concerned |having share |1500 (offline) |
| | |variations of the Rights of |to the company | |capital | |
| | |holders of special class of | | | | |
| | |shares. | | | | |
|Form-10 |121, 129 & 463 |Particulars of |Within 21 days of |Registrar |All types of |5,000 (online) |
| | |mortgages/charges |creation of |concerned |companies |7,500 (offline) |
| | | |charge/mortgage. | | | |
|Form-11 |122 and 463 |Particulars of Mortgage or |Within 21 days of the |Registrar |All types of |5,000 (online) |
| | |Charge subject to which |acquisition of the |concerned |companies |7,500 (offline) |
| | |property has been acquired. |property. | | | |
| | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | |
|Form-13 |123, 124 and 463 |Registration of entire series|Within 21 days of the |Registrar |All types of |5,000 (online) |
| | |debentures/redeemable capital|execution deed’s date. |concerned |companies |7,500 (offline) |
|Form-14 |123 and 463 |Particulars of an issue of |Within 21 days of the |Registrar |All types of |5,000 (online) |
| | |redeemable capital / |execution deed’s date. |concerned |companies |7,500 (offline) |
| | |debentures in a series when | | | | |
| | |more than one issue in the | | | | |
| | |series is made | | | | |
|Form-16 |129(3) & 463 |Particulars of modification |Within 21 days of |Registrar |All types of |5,000 (online) |
| | |of mortgage/charge |modification of |concerned |companies |7,500 (offline) |
| | | |charge/mortgage | | | |
|Form-17 |132 & 463 |Memorandum of complete |Within 21 days of |Registrar |All types of |5,000 (online) |
| | |satisfaction of |satisfaction or payment|concerned |companies |7,500 (offline) |
| | |mortgage/charge | | | | |
|Form-18 |137 and 464 |Notice of appointment of |Within 15 days of the |Registrar |All types of |600 (online) |
| | |receiver/ manager. |receipt of Court’s |concerned |companies |1500(offline) |
| | | |Order or of the | | | |
| | | |appointment. | | | |
|Form-19 |138 (1) and 464 |Notice by receiver/ manager |Within 15 days of |Registrar |All types of |600 (online) |
| | |on ceasing to act as such. |ceasing to act as |concerned |companies |1500 (offline) |
| | | |receiver. | | | |
|Form-20 |138 and 464 |Receiver/ manager abstract of|Within 30 days after |Registrar |All types of |600 (online) |
| | |receipts and payments. |every half year. |concerned |companies |1500 (offline) |
|Form-21 |142 |Situation of registered |Within 28 days from the|Registrar |All types of |600 (online) |
| | |office or any change therein |date of incorporation |concerned |companies |1500 (offline) |
| | |. |or at any change. | | | |
|Form-22 |146 (1) (d) |Declaration of compliance |At the time of |Registrar |Public company |600 (online) |
| | |with conditions of Section |obtaining of |concerned | |1500 (offline) |
| | |146 of the Companies |certificate of | | | |
| | |Ordinance, 1984, before |Commencement of | | | |
| | |commencing business in case |business | | | |
| | |of a company issuing | | | | |
| | |prospectus. | | | | |
|Form-23 |146 (1) (e) |Declaration before commencing|At the time of |Registrar |Public company |600 (online) |
| | |business in case of a company|obtaining of |concerned | |1500 (offline) |
| | |filling Statement in lieu of |certificate of | | | |
| | |prospectus |Commencement of | | | |
| | | |business | | | |
|Form-24 |154 |Notice of rectification of |Within 15 days from |Registrar |All types of |600 (online) |
| | |register of members |receipt of court order.|concerned |companies |1500 (offline) |
|Form-25 |157 |Statutory Report |At least 21 days before|Registrar |Public / |600 (online) |
| | | |holding of statutory |concerned |Guarantee |1500 (offline) |
| | | |meeting. | |company having | |
| | | | | |share capital | |
|Form-26 |172 |Special Resolution |Within 15 days from |Registrar |All types of |600 (online) |
| | | |passing of special |concerned |companies |1500 (offline) |
| | | |resolution. | | | |
|Form-27 |184 |List of persons consenting to|Within 14 days from |Registrar |Public Company |600 (online) |
| | |act as directors. |date of appointment or |concerned |& Private |1500 (offline) |
| | | |nomination. | |Company which | |
| | | | | |is subsidiary | |
| | | | | |of Public | |
| | | | | |Company | |
|Form-28 |184 |Consent of directors to act |Within 14 days from |Registrar |Public Company |600 (online) |
| | |as directors/ Chief Executive|date of appointment or |concerned |& Private |1500 (offline) |
| | | |nomination of | |Company which | |
| | | |directors. | |is subsidiary | |
| | | | | |of Public | |
| | | | | |Company | |
|Form-29 |205 |Particulars of directors, |Within 14 days from the|Registrar |All types of |600 (online) |
| | |chief executive, managing |date of incorporation |concerned |companies |1500 (offline) |
| | |agent, secretary, chief |or of the change. | | | |
| | |accountant, auditors and | | | | |
| | |legal advisor, and any change| | | | |
| | |therein. | | | | |
|Form-30 |208 |Resolution passed by members |Within 15 days of |Registrar |All types of |600 (online) |
| | |pursuant to Section 208. |passing of the said |concerned |companies |1500 (offline) |
| | | |resolution. |/Commission (For | | |
| | | | |listed company) | | |
|Form-31 |222 |Return containing particulars|Within 30 days of |Commission and |Public Listed |600 (online) |
| | |of beneficial ownership of |appointment or |Registrar |Company |1500 (offline) |
| | |listed securities |acquisition of |concerned | | |
| | | |beneficial ownership or| | | |
| | | |listing of company on | | | |
| | | |the stock exchange | | | |
|Form-32 |222 & 224 |Return of change of |Within 15 days of the |Commission and |Public Listed |600 (online) |
| | |Beneficial |change of Beneficial |Registrar |Company |1500 (offline) |
| | |ownership of Listed |ownership. |concerned | | |
| | |Securities | | | | |
| | |and making of Gains | | | | |
|Form-33 |230(1) & 464 |Notice of Address at which |Within 7 days of the |Registrar |All types of |600 (online) |
| | |Books of Accounts are |date of resolution of |concerned |companies |1500 (offline) |
| | |Maintained |Board of Directors | | | |
|Form-34 |236 (2)(d) and 464|Pattern of shareholding. |Within 30 days from the|Registrar |Public company |No fee as this Form is filed |
| | | |date of |concerned |or |as a part of annual audited |
| | | |AGM, as a part of |/Commission (For |a private |accounts |
| | | |annual audited accounts|listed company) |company | |
| | | | | |which is a | |
| | | | | |subsidiary of | |
| | | | | |public company | |
|Form-35 |251(2) |Application for extension in |Within 45 days from the|Registrar |Companies |600 (filing fee)+ |
| | |period of payment of |date of declaration of |concerned |having share |500(application fee) (online)|
| | |Dividend. |the dividend for a | |capital | |
| | | |listed company and | | |1500(filing fee)+ |
| | | |within 30 days for | | |1000(application fee) |
| | | |other companies. | | |(offline) |
|Form-36 |289 |Notice to Dissenting |within 60 days |Registrar |Transferee |600 (online) |
| | |Shareholders, |after expiry of 120 |concerned |company |1500 (offline) |
| | |whenever a |days which were given | | | |
| | |Transferee |for approval of | | | |
| | |company desires |transfer of shares | | | |
| | |to acquire shares | | | | |
| | |of any dissenting | | | | |
| | |shareholders. | | | | |
|Form -37 |289(5) |Information to be furnished |Whenever |Registrar |Transferor |600 (online) |
| | |in |company directors |concerned |company |1500 (offline) |
| | |relation to any offer of a |recommend | | | |
| | |Scheme or contract involving |acceptance | | | |
| | |the Transfer of Shares or any| | | | |
| | |Class of shares in the | | | | |
| | |Transferor company to the | | | | |
| | |Transferee company | | | | |
|Form-38 |451(1)(a) |Documents (Charter / |Within 30 days of |Registrar |Foreign company|25000 (Registration fee) + |
| | |Statute / Memorandum and |establishment of place |concerned | |600 (filing fee) (online) |
| | |Articles, etc) Delivered for |of business in Pakistan| | | |
| | |registration by a foreign | | | |50000 (Registration fee)+ |
| | |company | | | |1500 (filing fee) (offline) |
|Form-39 |451(1)(b) & 452(b)|Return showing address of the|Within 30 days of |Registrar |Foreign company|600 (online) |
| | |registered or principal |establishment of place |concerned | |1500 (offline) |
| | |office |of business in Pakistan| | | |
| | |or of any change therein |or any change therein | | | |
|Form-40 |451(1)(c) & 452(c)|Return showing particulars of|Within 30 days of |Registrar |Foreign company|600 (online) |
| | |Directors, CEO and |establishment of place |concerned | |1500 (offline) |
| | |Secretaries or of any |of business in Pakistan| | | |
| | |alteration therein |or any change therein | | | |
|Form-41 |451(1)(d) & 452(d)|Particulars of principal |Within 30 days of |Registrar |Foreign company|600 (online) |
| | |officer or any change |establishment of place |concerned | |1500 (offline) |
| | |therein. |of business in Pakistan| | | |
| | | |or any change therein | | | |
|Form-42 |451(1)(e) & 452(e)|Particulars of person(s) |Within 30 days of |Registrar |Foreign company|600 (online) |
| | |resident in Pakistan |establishment of place |concerned | |1500 (offline) |
| | |authorized to accept service |of business in Pakistan| | | |
| | |on behalf of the Foreign |or any change therein | | | |
| | |Company or of any change | | | | |
| | |therein. | | | | |
|Form-43 |451(I) & 452(f) |Address of principal place(s)|Within 30 days of |Registrar |Foreign company|600 (online) |
| | |of business in |establishment of place |concerned | |1500 (offline) |
| | |Pakistan |of business in Pakistan| | | |
| | | |or any change therein | | | |
|Form-44 |452(a) |Return of alteration of |within 30 days of such |Registrar |Foreign company|600 (online) |
| | |charter, etc |alteration |concerned | |1500 (offline) |
|Form-45 |453(a) |List of places of business |Within 45 days |Registrar |Foreign company|600 (online) |
| | |established in Pakistan and |from the date of |concerned | |1500 (offline) |
| | |submission of accounts |submission of the | | | |
| | | |documents to the public| | | |
| | | |authority of | | | |
| | | |the country of | | | |
| | | |incorporation or | | | |
| | | |within 6 months of the | | | |
| | | |date upto | | | |
| | | |which the relevant | | | |
| | | |accounts are made up, | | | |
| | | |which ever is earlier. | | | |
|Form-46 |458 |Notice by a Foreign Company |at least 30 days |Registrar |Foreign company|600 (online) |
| | |on Ceasing to |before it intends to |concerned | |1500 (offline) |
| | |have any place of business |cease to have any place| | | |
| | |in Pakistan |of business in Pakistan| | | |

3. Statutory Returns prescribed under Single Member Companies Rules, 2003 (SMC Rules)

|Name of Form |Relevant Rule of |Description |Filing time |To Be Filed with |Applicable on |Fees in Rupees |
| |SMC Rules | | | | | |
|Form-S1 |3 and 9(5) |Subscriber of single member |At the time of |Registrar |Single Member |600 (online) |
| | |company is required to file |incorporation and |concerned |Company (SMC) |1500 (offline) |
| | |Form-S1 indicating at least |within 15 days from | | | |
| | |two individuals to act as |transfer of shares to | | | |
| | |nominee director and |new member. | | | |
| | |alternate nominee director in| | | | |
| | |the event of his death. Where| | | | |
| | |the membership of a single | | | | |
| | |member company is transferred| | | | |
| | |to a new member, the new | | | | |
| | |member of company is required| | | | |
| | |to file Form-S1 indicating at| | | | |
| | |least two individuals to act | | | | |
| | |as nominee director and | | | | |
| | |alternate nominee director in| | | | |
| | |the event of his death. | | | | |
|Form-S2 |4(2) |Change in the status of |Within sixty days from |Registrar |SMC |600 (online) |
| | |single member company to |the date of passing of |concerned | |1500 (offline) |
| | |private company is notified |special resolution. | | | |
| | |on Form-S2. | | | | |
|Form-S3 |7(2)(b) |Nominee director shall notify|Within 7 days of the |Registrar |SMC |600 (online) |
| | |death of the single member |death of the single |concerned | |1500 (offline) |
| | |and provide particulars of |member | | | |
| | |the legal heirs on prescribed|in the form as set | | | |
| | |Form-S3. |out in Form S3 | | | |
|Form-S4 |9(2) |Application required to be |not later than 30 days |Commission |SMC |600 (filing fee)+ |
| | |made by private company if it|from the date on which | | |2500(application fee) |
| | |wants to convert its status |the special resolution | | |(online) |
| | |to single member company. |for | | | |
| | | |change of status to | | |1500(filing fee)+ |
| | | |single member company | | |5000(application fee) |
| | | |was passed. | | |(offline) |
|Form-S5 |9(5) |Conversion of status of |N.A. |Registrar |SMC |600 (online) |
| | |private company to Single | |concerned | |1500 (offline) |
| | |Member Company. | | | | |
| Form-S8 |11 |Articles of Association of |At the time of |Registrar |SMC |600 (online) |
| | |Single Member Company. |incorporation of single|concerned | |1500 (offline) |
| | | |member company. | | | |

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Robert and Vilma Greene Tax Return

...Form Department of the Treasury - Internal Revenue Service 1040A Your first name and initial U.S. Individual Income Tax Return Last name (99) 2013 IRS Use Only - Do not write or staple in this space. OMB No. 1545-0074 Your social security number Robert If a joint return, spouse's first name and initial Greene Last name 412-34-5670 Spouse's social security number Vilma 1001 N.W. 93 Street Greene Apt. no. 412-34-5671 Make sure the SSN(s) above and on line 6c are correct. Presidential Election Campaign Check here if you, or your spouse if filing jointly, want $3 to go to this fund. Checking a box below will not change your tax or refund. Home address (number and street). If you have a P.O. box, see instructions. City, town or post office, state and ZIP code. If you have a foreign address, also complete spaces below (see instructions). Miami, FL 33168 Foreign country name Foreign province/state/county Foreign postal code X You X Spouse Filing status Check only one box. 1 2 3 6a X X X Exemptions b If more than six dependents, see Instructions. 4 Single Head of household (with qualifying person). (See instr.) If the qualifying person is a child but not your dependent, Married filing jointly (even if only one had income) enter this child's name here. Married filing separately. Enter spouse's SSN above and 5 full name here. Qualifying widow(er) with dependent child (see instructions) Boxes Yourself. If...

Words: 1724 - Pages: 7

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Federal Income Taxes

...Name ACC 401 – Federal Income Taxes Teacher Date Federal Income Taxes In order to complete the Federal Income Taxes necessary for this couple, there are multiple specific items that needed to be taken care of and specific forms that needed to be used. In the case of many Federal Income Taxes, these specific things occur taxpayer by taxpayer and will need to be taken on a case by case basis in order to best determine the route necessary to be taken to ensure the correct information is given and the correct tax return is received. Following the proper procedure in each case will ensure the correct return and proper information to be given to the IRS. For this specific return, the form for a married return, filing jointly was used. This means a Form 1040 was necessary in this case, as it allows for a married filing jointly return with itemized deductions and credits. The stumbling points in this return fall to the IRA contributions and the healthcare costs. In the case of the IRA contributions, Box 12 from the W-2 is necessary to be used to account for the payroll deductions that take place. For the Healthcare payroll deduction contributions, Box 14 must be used on the 1040 Form. Now, a tricky point was the addition of SDI, or mandatory disability insurance, that needed to be added to box 14 as well, since the deduction is something that is required in California. Once the specifics for the standard income are set, once must move on to the...

Words: 1041 - Pages: 5

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B Essay on Taxes

...S. Individual Income Tax Return For the year Jan. 1–Dec. 31, 2014, or other tax year beginning Your first name and initial , 2014, ending MELISSA IRS Use Only—Do not write or staple in this space. See separate instructions. Last name DOWDY If a joint return, spouse’s first name and initial OMB No. 1545-0074 , 20 Last name Your social security number 256 47 4410 Spouse’s social security number Apt. no. Home address (number and street). If you have a P.O. box, see instructions. Make sure the SSN(s) above and on line 6c are correct. 12821 SNOWVIEW CT City, town or post office, state, and ZIP code. If you have a foreign address, also complete spaces below (see instructions). VICTORVILLE, CA 92392 Foreign country name Filing Status Check only one box. Exemptions Foreign province/state/county 1 2 3 6a b c Single Married filing jointly (even if only one had income) X Head of household (with qualifying person). (See instructions.) If the qualifying person is a child but not your dependent, enter this child’s name here. 5 Qualifying widow(er) with dependent child Yourself. If someone can claim you as a dependent, do not check box 6a . Spouse . Dependents: . . . . . . . . . . . (2) Dependent’s social security number Last name JUAN FERNANDEZ JR MALLORY G FERNANDEZ JOHNNY FERNANDEZ d X 4 Married filing separately. Enter spouse’s...

Words: 3198 - Pages: 13

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Gady 040 U.S. Individual Income Tax Return Department of the Treasury - Internal Revenue Service For the year Jan. 1 - Dec. 31, 2013, or other tax year beginning (99) 12013 ,2013, ending _ OMB No. 1545 - 0074 ,20 IRS Use Only Do not write or staple in this space. See separate instructions. Your social security number Your first name and initial Last name JERAD GADDY If a joint return, spouse's first name and initial Last name 072-70-1163 Spouse's social security number Home address (number and street). If you have a P.O. box, see instructions. Apt. no. 702 CHURCH ST City, town or post office, state, and ZIP code. If you have a foreign address, also complete spaces below (see instructions). A Make sure the SSN(s) above and on line 6c are correct. Presidential Election Campaign Check here if you, or your spouse if filing jointly, want $3 to go to this fund. Checking a box below will not change your tax — or refund. — EATONTON GA 31024 Foreign country name Foreign province/county Foreign postal code You Spouse Filing Status Check only one box. 1 2 3 Single 4 Head of household (with qualifying person). (See instructions.) If the qualifying person is a child but not your dependent, enter this child's name here. ► ri Married filing separately. Enter spouse's SSN above and full name here. Married filing jointly (even if only one had income) Exemptions 6a b Qualifying widow(er) with dependent child...

Words: 3613 - Pages: 15

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Tax Problem

...SCHEDULE M (Form 1040A or 1040) Department of the Treasury Internal Revenue Service (99) Making Work Pay Credit ▶ Attach to Form 1040A or 1040. ▶ See separate instructions. OMB No. 1545-0074 2010 Attachment Sequence No. 166 Name(s) shown on return Your social security number 1 (e) You are filing Form 2555 or 2555-EZ. a Important: Check the “No” box on line 1a and see the instructions if: Do you (and your spouse if filing jointly) have 2010 wages of more than $6,451 ($12,903 if married filing jointly)? Yes. Skip lines 1a through 3. Enter $400 ($800 if married filing jointly) on line 4 and go to line 5. No. Enter your earned income (see instructions) ....... 1a b Nontaxable combat pay included on line 1a (see instructions) ......... 1b 2 Multiply line 1a by 6.2% (.062) .............. 2 3 Enter $400 ($800 if married filing jointly) ........... 3 4 Enter the smaller of line 2 or line 3 (unless you checked “Yes” on line 1a) ......... 4 5 Enter the amount from Form 1040, line 38*, or Form 1040A, line 22 .. 5 6 Enter $75,000 ($150,000 if married filing jointly) ........ 6 7 Is the amount on line 5 more than the amount on line 6? No. Skip line 8. Enter the amount from line 4 on line 9 below. Yes. Subtract line 6 from line 5 ............ 7 8 Multiply line 7 by 2% (.02) ........................ 8 9 Subtract line 8 from line 4. If zero or less, enter -0- ................ 10 Did you (or your spouse, if filing jointly) receive an economic recovery...

Words: 568 - Pages: 3

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...BARBARA K. CEGAVSKE Secretary of State 202 North Carson Street Carson City, Nevada 89701-4201 (775) 684-5708 Website: Articles of Incorporation of(Name of Close Corporation)A Close Corporation(PURSUANT TO NRS CHAPTER 78A) | (Name of corporation MUST appear in the above heading) ABOVE SPACE IS FOR OFFICE USE ONLY USE BLACK INK ONLY - DO NOT HIGHLIGHT . Name of Close 1 Corporation: 2 . Registered Agent for Service of Process: (check only one box) Commercial Registered Agent: Noncommercial Registered Agent name and address below ) ( Name Office or Position with Entity ) name and address below ( Nevada eet Address Str City Zip Code Zip Code City ling Address (if different from street address) Mai Na me of Noncommercial Registered Agent OR Name of Title of Office or Other Position with Entity Nevada . Authorized 3 Stock: number of ( shares corporation is authorized to issue) N umber of sh ares with pa r value: Par valu e per shar e: $ Number of shares without par value: State eet Address Str City Zip Code Name 1) 2) State Street Address City Zip Code Name : . Purpose 6 (optional; see instructions) The purpose of the corporation shall be: State Address City Zip Code X Incorporator Signature Name X Authorized Signature of Registered Agent or On Behalf of Registered Agent Entity Date I hereby accept appointment as Registered Agent for the above named Entity. 8 Name...

Words: 4879 - Pages: 20

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1040 Morris Return

...Form 1040 Department of the Treasury - Internal Revenue Service (99) U.S. Individual Income Tax Return Last name 2012 OMB No. 1545-0074 , 2012, ending , 20 IRS Use Only-Do not write or staple in this space. For the year Jan. 1-Dec. 31, 2012, or other tax year beginning Your first name and initial See separate instructions. Your social security number Same A If a joint return, spouse's first name and initial Morris Last name 741-85-2963 Spouse's social security number Sarah B Home address (number and street). Morris Apt. no. 321-65-4987 Make sure the SSN(s) above and on line 6c are correct. Presidential Election Campaign Check here if you, or your spouse if filing jointly, want $3 to go to this fund. Checking a box below will not change your tax or refund. 54321 Gala Avenue City, town or post office, state, and ZIP code. If you have a foreign address, also complete spaces below (see instructions). Tyler Foreign country name TX 1 2 3 Single X Married filing jointly (even if only one had income) Married filing separately. Enter spouse's SSN above and full name here. 75701 Foreign postal code Foreign province/state/county You Spouse Filing Status Check only one box. 4 Head of household (with qualifying person). (See instructions.) If the qualifying person is a child but not your dependent, enter this child's name here. 5 Qualifying widow(er) with dependent child Boxes checked on 6a and 6b No...

Words: 2203 - Pages: 9

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Doc, Docx, Pdf, Wps, Rtf, Odt

...2010 Instructions for Form 2441 (Rev. January 2011) Child and Dependent Care Expenses Purpose of Form If you paid someone to care for your child or other qualifying person so you (and your spouse if filing jointly) could work or look for work in 2010, you may be able to take the credit for child and dependent care expenses. You (and your spouse if filing jointly) must have earned income to take the credit. But see Spouse Who Was a Student or Disabled on page 4. If you can take the credit, use Form 2441 to figure the amount of your credit. If you (or your spouse if filing jointly) received any dependent care benefits for 2010, you must use Form 2441 to figure the amount, if any, of the benefits you can exclude from your income on Form 1040, line 7, Form 1040A, line 7, or Form 1040NR, line 8. You must complete Part III of Form 2441 before you can figure the credit, if any, in Part II. Additional information. See Pub. 503, Child and Dependent Care Expenses, for more details. Department of the Treasury Internal Revenue Service If you are divorced or separated, see Special rule for children of divorced or separated parents below. To find out who is a qualifying child and who is a dependent, see Pub. 501, Exemptions, Standard Deduction, and Filing Information. CAUTION ! To be a qualifying person, the person must have lived with you for more than half of 2010. Definitions Dependent Care Benefits Dependent care benefits include: • Amounts your employer paid directly...

Words: 4514 - Pages: 19

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...Final Paper on Tax Return Paper Assignment Linda Goethe ACC 401: Federal Income Taxes I Instructor: Arlene Rivero July 30, 2012 I used Form 1040 because Appendix A called for a Married filing jointly return, with credits and Itemized Deductions. This return was a tad tricky until I realized that the W2 information required me to utilized Box 12 for the IRA (k) contribution (payroll deductions) and Box 14 for the Healthcare costs (payroll deductions). Also; tricky situation occurred that I am not accustomed to. I needed to add to Box 14 for the SDI (mandatory disability insurance). It appears that California requires this deduction. Living and filing out my own income taxes forms in Utah, I never had to work with a mandatory SDI deduction before. Once I figured out the income from the W-2’s ($90,916.00 from line 7, on form 1040), I then needed to figure out the income from the sales of their home. I should have received a Form 1099-S from the sale of the primary residence. I then proceeded to figure out the gain on the sale of the home and ascertain if it should be taxed. According to the IRS: Gain: 1. If you have a gain from the sale of your main home, you may be able to exclude up to $250,000 of the gain from your income ($500,000 on a joint return in most cases). 2. If you can exclude all of the gain, you do not need to report the sale on your tax return. 3. If you have gain that cannot be excluded, it is taxable. Report it on Schedule D (Form 1040) (IRS...

Words: 854 - Pages: 4

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Individual Taxation

...CHAPTER 3 INDIVIDUAL TAXATION Individual Taxation—An Overview[->0] OBJECTIVES After completing Chapter 3, you should be able to: 1. Understand the components of the tax formula. 2. Apply the standard deduction to each filing status. 3. Determine whether an individual qualifies as a personal exemption. 4. Distinguish among the five different filing statuses. 5. Apply the tax tables and the tax rate schedules to taxable income. OVERVIEW This chapter discusses the components of the tax formula and studies the implications of the standard deduction to the taxpayer. Additionally, the qualifications for the personal exemption are analyzed. Finally, the basic filing statuses are examined as well as the role of the tax tables and the tax rate schedules. ¶3001 COMPONENTS OF THE TAX FORMULA[->1] Taxable income is computed using one of the two overall accounting methods, the cash method or the accrual method. It is also possible to use a combination of the two overall methods. Under the cash method, income is reported when it is received and deductions are taken when the expense is paid. The accrual method requires income to be reported when all the events necessary to fix the right to receive payment have occurred and there is reasonable certainty regarding the amount. Likewise, accrual basis taxpayers usually claim a deduction in the year in which all events that fix the liability have occurred, provided the amount of the liability is reasonably determinable. A basic understanding...

Words: 15716 - Pages: 63

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You Decide 1

...your questions pertaining to your taxes. I have analyzed the information you provided to my agency and would like to address the following specific issues and recommend alternative strategies to reduce your personal tax liability. First, I’d like to address Mr. Smith’s issues. 1(a). How is the $300,000 treated for purposes of federal tax income? The $300,000 is earned income for you and will be reported as gross income either on the Schedule C of the individual return or as gross income on the LLC tax return for the law firm. The reason why it could be either is a result of different state laws specifying what a single person LLC can report on a business return. For the states that don't allow separate reporting, the LLC is said to be 'transparent,' meaning it does not report separately from the individual. (1) 1(b). How is the $25,000 treated for purposes of federal tax income? The $25,000 advance for expenses would have been classified as a client advance two years ago and reported as a deductible expense on this year’s tax return due to the GAAP matching principle. This year, when the $25,000 is reimbursed, the revenue minus the expense equals zero. In other words, there is no net taxable income to report. 1(c). What is your determination regarding reducing the taxable amount of income for both (a) and (b) above? If the income was received in 2011, there is little you can do now to minimize the tax consequence, except to claim all allowable deductions. Since...

Words: 1414 - Pages: 6

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Tax Acct

...Regressive tax structure: tax rate decreases as the tax base increases * Social security tax system is this way * Average tax rate: total tax paid on a certain amount of taxable income * Marginal tax rate: rate of tax paid on the highest dollar of income Calculation of Tax: Income - deductions = taxable income X tax rates = tax liability - tax payments/credits = tax refund or due with return * For TI up to $100,000 use tax tables * Use tax rate schedules for higher income * Tax rate tables are calculated at midpoint of range; rate schedules are precise Tax Forms: * 1040EZ must be: * Single or married filing jointly * Taxable income less than $100,000 * Have no dependents * May only have income from wages, unemployment and interest * 1040A must be: * Any of 5 filing statuses and have dependents * Income limited to $100,000 * May have more interest, dividends and capital gains * Has most deductions * 1040 is most comprehensive, full form Filing Return: * Tax liability is generally paid throughout the year through withholding tax payments deducted from wages * Also reported on W-2 * Estimated tax payments made by self-practitioners (4 equal payments) * Low income taxpayers may be eligible for...

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