Premium Essay

Science and Fiction


Submitted By grapylz
Words 409
Pages 2
Skin Discussion

An interesting thing to mention is that some products of this type gain lawsuits for false advertising towards consumers. They even get discontinued since no one buys their products. They usually have some sort of bogus claim saying it is clinically researched or not tested on animals in an effort to sway the consumer to buy their products and not their competitors products. That would be a no-no. Their advertisement was not different. There is always small print at the bottom and disclaimers saying that you have to use at your own risk. Sort of like at the end of the terms and conditions that you must consult your doctor before during and after usage. They also claim to be the top seller in their category. I think it is actually sorta sad that they say that they are already the top in their corner of the market. It is subjective really because unless they did trials or consumer market researching, they really don’t know a thing. People have to try the product first to see if they are going to like it at all in the first place. They also have all these fancy labels of being “approved” by professionals, etc.

It’s just marketing simply put. The person in the ad could just be really young with amazing genetics. They get them young on purpose to push their product. They don’t say the truth on purpose. They are telling people to stay cool they have to buy the latest and greatest. They are essentially paid models. They do this on purpose and the average consumer doesn’t even know about it. They try to use social pressure or emotional conformity to do so. They are trying to convince you any way possible to buy it. They want it to fly off the shelves. They also get desperate people as soon as they start aging or someone points out their securities. People like youthful people for some reason. I think it should be the other way around because “another

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