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Submitted By hoho4227
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Pages 2
Bryan Yau 1. What were your IAT results?
My result is no association between female and male with Science and Liberal Arts. 2. Do you believe your results were accurate? Why or why not?
Yes, since the result shown that I have no association or suggest little between female and male with Science and Liberal Arts, I really provided little suggestion, because I really not so familiar with science and liberal arts. However, I suggest the IAT test can provide more question to us, for example, the test can give us some question to write something. 3. What was your reaction when you learned your results?
I am shocked. It is because I thought I identified all the gender and sexual when I was doing the mini-game section, then I guess I could get a better result, but it is not. However, it is still a reasonable result for me, because I am really unfamiliar with this field. 4. Regardless of the IAT, do you think that you have hidden gender biases? What is your evidence?
No, because I strongly believe human should not have any discrimination, not to any sexual, not to people from different countries. The reason why I say no, because I am student of an international college. We are all the same. 5. In your opinion, how common are hidden gender biases, and how important are they compared with other gender biases?
Now a days, I think hidden gender biases are really not a common thing. As we can see, many working fields are contains female and male. So it is not common.

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