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Security Issues and Procedures in Communication Networks


Submitted By hkiptok
Words 3002
Pages 13
Student’s Name

Institutional Affiliation

Currently prompt evolution in computer communications linked to terminal-based, multi-operator systems, and in computer networks. Almost all these arrangements interconnect process, keep important data that is consider reserved or patented by their possessors and managers, or that should be protected from illegal access as a requisite of the law. Additionally, telecommunication systems, connected terminals, communication processors, and computers should be safeguarded from invaders who may strive to modify programs or files in the system, or to interrupt the facilities offered. The above threats are existent, as it is not challenging to interrupt communications in telecommunication systems, and the probability of connecting illegitimate terminals or computers into the scheme with the aim of “managing" the usual terminal-computer network, or making the system inaccessible to others. The security of such systems against the several dangers encompasses identification, and verification of the individuality, organized right to use to computers and their databases, and shelter of the information being carried in the telecommunication system. Related to every threat is various conceptual, along with technical challenges and a diversity of solutions.
Local area network (LAN) refers to an assembly of PCs and other devices spread over a reasonably limited area and linked by a communications connection that makes it possible for every device to act together with the rest of the network. A wide area network (WAN) the other hand is either a telecommunications or computer system which covers a bigger geographical region. The security threats can be categorized into people, virus, and physical threats. LANs and WANs are predominantly vulnerable to people and virus-linked

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