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Submitted By jeffreysuba
Words 946
Pages 4
Seal of Local Good Governance Assessment Checklist

Dimensions | Pictures to Take | Documents to Validate | Site Inspection | Key Informants | Good Financial Housekeeping: Full Disclosure Policy Compliance (FDP) in Three Conspicuous Places | * Three (3) conspicuous place | * 2014 Annual Budget * 2014 Annual Procurement Plan or Procurement List * 2013 Statement of Debt Service * 2013 Annual Gender and Development Accomplishment Report * 2013 Statement of Receipts and Expenditures * 4th Quarter 2013, Statement of Cash Flow * 4th Quarter 2013, Special Education Fund Utilization * 4th Quarter 2013, Trust Fund Utilization * 4th Quarter 2013, Bid Results on Civil Works and Goods and Services * 4th Quarter 2013, 20% Component of the IRA Utilization * 4th Quarter 2013, Local DRRM Fund Utilization * 4th Quarter 2013, Unliquidated Cash Advances * 4th Quarter 2013, Manpower Complement * 4th Quarter 2013, Supplemental Procurement Plan | * Inspect posted documents in each location. Browse the documents and make sure that the posted documents are consistent with the templates contained in the DILG MC No. 2013-40 and are duly signed by authorized signatories. | * Provincial/City Director or C/MLGOO | Disaster Preparedness | * Proof of availability of documents * Meeting with LCE &/or LDRRMO * SAR/ Emergency Response Team Equipment | * EO creating the LDRRMC * EO, or any equivalent issuance designating the LDRRMO * Updated Provincial Development and Physical Framework Plan, in the case of a province, and Comprehensive Land Use Plan, in the case of a city/municipality * DRRM Plan * Contingency Plan (whether a separate plan or contained in the DRRM Plan) * Local Climate Change Action Plan * Standard Operating

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