Free Essay



Submitted By michelle3434
Words 713
Pages 3
ERIC taylor

Television is devoted to exploring the impact on popular culture, it introduce us to different
Prospective of music, sex, money, human’s achievements, lies. Popular culture creates barriers
For people to take such as education, jobs or building a foundation for yourself or your family it’s
All up to you. The influences that have been created in this world have affected our children or
People in general. The television or the media affects our well being, it tell our children what
They should wear today or tomorrow or should they listen to that type of music or maybe
Smoking or taking drugs will make you cool or hip. Our teenagers don’t have their own personal identify
It all about what the next person thinks about you. Being sure of your self is what we as people is lacking
Or not knowing who you are as a person is what destroying our people or love ones. Different movies or
Shows are giving our children ideals on sex, lies, beauty or how to kill each other and these things really
Others. We as people love to assault one another or take advantage of each other instead of helping one Another some people think its ok to verbally abuse and take advantage of some one. Even thou
Television is for entertainment we as people don’t know the negative side of it. Our people are paying
More attention to what we think is real but it’s not and our children is influenced by what they see and
Believe its ok. It’s important to know that many teenagers or maybe your own kids embrace and
Incorporate what the next person say that it’s ok to do or it’s ok to say that not knowing it might hurt
The next person or it’s ok to steel and rob your neighbor. It’s ok to discriminate against your friends or
People in general. No it’s not ok to rationalize and discriminate against anyone. Our focus should be to
Help our generation grows and learns to overcome different obstacle that can and will occur in your life.
We need to observe the good out of our culture and develop an ideal that will work to save our kids and
Our nation. Believing is a step to controlling the issues that will dominate us if we don’t take control of
Our future. Success will come if we obtain the knowledge that we need to keep us focus on the real
Problems that our world has, not just for ourselves but for our kids and loves ones that we deeply care
About and believe that their future is important for them to make it through this society that wants to
Control our lives and our ability to come together and our children that are not thinking about their
Future. It is our responsibility to help our children succeed and not to be a failure but to overcome their
Fears and trust their heart not what they see or what they are told from a TV show or a movie that gives
The negative feedbacks on how to live your life, no that’s not the answer. Having values for yourself
And continue to shape your own identify that will make you a better person not because of what you
Saw or heard, knowing for yourself is the key to being successful realizing that education is the key that
Will unlock many opportunity for you. Develop a plan that will guide you through and help you to stay
Focus and stay on the right track. Encounter your ability to strive and be the best for you not anyone
Else, serve yourself the image you would d like to have in the future for yourself. Be aggressive and think
Big never underestimate your ability to achieve and follow your goals it’s something that you will need
To have in order to live your life and to be happy with it, it’s a journey but as long as you stay on the road
Not saying that you want have and bumps but staying focus is the key to your success.

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