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Shanxi Impression


Submitted By ggsyf
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Yungang Grottoes 云冈石窟

云冈石窟是我国最大的石窟之一,与敦煌莫高窟、洛阳龙门石窟和麦积山石窟并称为中国四大石窟艺术宝库。 位于山西省大同市以西16公里处的武周山南麓,依山而凿,东西绵延约一公里,气势恢弘,内容丰富。现存主要洞窟45个,大小窟龛252个,造像5万1千余尊,代表了公元5至6世纪时中国杰出的佛教石窟艺术。其中的昙曜五窟,布局设计严谨统一,是中国佛教艺术第一个巅峰时期的经典杰作。

山西位于太行山之西,黄河以东。春秋时期,大部分地区为晋国所有,所以简称“晋”;山西的土特产品种类繁多。杏 花村汾酒是我国古老的历史名酒,色如水晶美玉,清香纯正,味美无穷,畅销内外;山西老陈醋甜绵酸香,不仅调味上佳,还可消食、美容、杀菌;有国家重点风景名胜区五台山、恒山、黄河壶口瀑布、北武当山、五老峰等。欢迎大家来山西旅游观光。我为我是山西人而感到骄傲!
Shanxi is located west of the Taihang Mountains, east of the Yellow River. Spring and Autumn Period, most of all for Jin, therefore referred to as "Jin"; Shanxi, a wide range of native products. Xinghuacun fen ancient history of our wines, the color of Crystal Jade, fragrance pure, delicious infinite, best-selling domestic and foreign; Shanxi mature vinegar sour sweet and fragrant cotton is not only a good flavor, but also digestion, beauty and sterilization; a national key scenic spots Wutai, Hengshan, the Yellow River Hukou Waterfall, North Wudang, Wu Laofeng so. Welcome to Shanxi tourism. I am proud that I was from Shanxi!

沿途讲印象山西 (2013-02-16 12:25:34)
五千年中国看山西 [认识山西] 欢迎大家来到山西。 说一个地方如何如何,最好是把它比作一个人,比如苏东坡写西湖,我想不管西湖的风光是多么秀丽,若没有那句“欲把西湖比西子”,我们对它总是亲切不起来。要说山西,也最好把它比作一个人,比做西子是不行了,山西没有那么青翠的山,也没有那么一块明镜似的湖。只能把山西想象成一个朴实的山村汉子,头上缠着一块白羊肚子毛巾,赶着一头老黄牛,在暮色中吼着“二人台”归来。这副图画是不是很形象,可惜,那是过去的山西,不是现在的山西。 山西以地处太行山之西而得名。春秋战国时期属晋国地,故简称晋。公元前 453年,赵、魏、韩三国分晋,所以山西又称为“三晋”。 山西省地处黄土高原的东部,东邻河北,西界陕西,南接河南,北连内蒙古自治区。 山西的面积是15.7万平方公里,有3200万人,从人口和面积来看都算一个小省。从地图上看,整个山西是一个平行四边形的树叶形状,南北相距680公里,东西相隔385公里。地形是两山夹一川,一边是吕梁山,一边是太行山,还有几个盆地,黄河的第二大支流汾河把几个盆地全部贯通。 山西省辖太原市、大同市、阳泉市等11个省辖市,118个县(市、区)。 [班驳印象] 说到太行山,大家肯定有印象,太行山是革命根据地,例如很多歌颂太行山的革命歌曲,大家应该是耳熟能详,例如《我们在太行山上》、《太行山是英雄山》、《太行山山连山》。中国许多著名的古老神话———女娲补天、精卫填海、后羿射日等等,都诞生在这座古老的山里。寓言故事愚公移山里,愚公率领众子孙要移走的两座山,一座是山西阳城县境内的王屋山,另一座便是太行山。 大约是上个世纪60年代初,有一部风靡国内的电影《我们村里的年轻人》,还记得饰演女主角的演员叫金迪,有一双水灵灵而又火辣辣的大眼睛。影片的主题歌就叫《人说山西好风光》,是由著名的歌唱家郭兰英老师演唱的。随着它优美的旋律,大家肯定会对山西的秀美山川心驰神往…… 在我党建政的历史上,山西出过“两大典型”。一个是“个人英雄主义”的代表刘胡兰,这位小姑娘,出生在文水县,也就是武则天的故乡。当年,小姑娘从从容容地躺在铡刀下,脆生生地扔下一句“怕死不是共产党员”,从容就义。那年,她还不到十六岁。如今,在她的故乡,有其烈士纪念碑,有其遗物陈列室。你可以在那里看到她的照片。一位很漂亮很漂亮的小姑娘。另一个则是大寨,这面旗帜在很长时期几乎成了中国人的一种图腾。 那个时候正是“文革”前和“文革”中,经济上一直躺在煤堆上的山西,政治上却日愈成了中国的热点地区。在这期间,扎着白毛巾,在毛泽东面前憨厚、幸福地笑着的农民总理陈永贵,似乎成了山西人的代表形象;而满是红旗和豪言壮语的“七沟八梁一面坡”的大寨,则似乎可以涵盖山西所有的政治、经济、文化、地理状况。经大寨人改造的的海棉梯田,至今都是中国北方梯田的一个经典。 但是,因为超负荷体力的付出,当年大部分参加修筑梯田的人都患有各种疾病,不能继续劳作,他们每天坐在大寨的门口,享受着和煦的阳光和每月60元的补助,剩下的只有回忆了。 现在的大寨需要退耕还林,上好的梯田不久就会变成一片林海,如果陈永贵还活着的话,肯定会感到困惑,想问一个为什么? 近些年关于山西的焦点视线,便是一些文化人从黄土、煤尘、贫困的背后,突然发现了令他们惊讶不已的三晋“旧貌”。也就是晋商文化。当代上海文化名人余秋雨先生曾写过一篇《抱愧山西》的散文,大意是讲,长期以来,他一直误认为山西是中国贫穷落后的地方之一,但当了解到,山西仅仅在不到百年之前,曾是中国最富的省份时,不禁为自己过去误解了山西而深感愧疚。 在“萨斯”爆发之前,谁也想不到,除了源头广东和首都北京之外,山西会是疫情最严重的地区。这感觉好象有点象“中奖”。 山西,好事情它没份,坏事情,一样也缺少不了它。 这十几年来,大家所听到的,几乎都是有关山西的负面新闻。什么运城“滴灌”造假、割舌案、“假酒案”、以及一起起频发的矿难。 山西人自嘲地说:他们是不东不西,不是东西。当初东部沿海享受开政策时,没有他的份;后来西部大开发,依然没有山西的份。 然而谁也抹不去山西在中国历史上的浓墨重彩。有一个有趣的现象也许值得一提:在中国历史上曾经诞生过两位圣人,文圣是山东的孔子,武圣是山西的关羽;在中国民间,有两家人的英雄业绩妇孺皆知,其一是河南的岳家军,其二是山西的杨家将;在中国近代,有两大商系并称,一是徽商,二是晋商;甚至解放后,我们提的两句口号,树立的两个样板,一是工业学大庆,二是农业学大寨。凡是中国历史经历的,山西大体上也要经历一回,仿佛与中国历史形成暗合,不知这是否可以算作她的奇特之处,不知还有哪个地方有象山西这样的经历。 [解剖山西] 总的来说,山西的特点可以用五句话来概括: 一华夏名胜数山西 山西的旅游资源之丰富,堪称全国第一,俗话说:“地下文物看陕西,地上文物看山西”,山西拥有全国最庞大的地上文物群,在山西的每个角落里,都沉睡着价值连城的历史文物,景点数量高达3684处,国家级文物景点即有119处,省级文物景点413处,国内现存的元代以前的木结构建筑,有70%以上在山西。像五台山有一个佛光寺,是唐代的木结构建筑,至今1400多年,全国只此一家;可以说国内没有第二个省区可以和山西抗衡。一位日本朋友来过山西后说,如果日本拥有山西1/10的历史人文景观,日本将立即可建成全世界的旅游大国。虽然说山西的旅游资源被利用之差,也是堪称全国第一,但这个有待于慢慢开发,是个时间的问题,据推测,这些旅游资源将是全体山西人一百年后吃饭的饭碗!那个时候,山西的煤一定已经挖的差不多了。 山西多姿多彩的旅游资源.主要分为三大块:
尧、舜、禹留下的的历史遗迹,例如尧庙、大禹渡等等。还有“要问祖先在何处?临汾洪桐大槐树”中的大槐树公园。京剧《苏三起解》中的苏三监狱、黄河的心脏——壶口瀑布,中国最大的关帝庙、《西厢记》中的普救寺等等。 我们原来学的历史课本说最早的人类是40万年前的北京猿人,现在晋南芮城县境内西侯渡文化的大量遗存已证明人类在距今180万年前就能人工取火,就是说山西把世界的文明史整整推前了一百多万年,这是人类文化中非常重要的一笔。
主要景点: 中国保存最完整的古城——平遥古城、中国最大的古皇家园林——晋祠、双塔寺、“借问酒家何处有,牧童遥指杏花村”中的杏花村、以及以乔家大院为首的大院文化。 乔家大院是电影《大红灯笼高高挂》的外景地,其实规模很小,不过是封闭的财主式小家小院。整个占地面积不到一万平方米。规模最大的是榆次常家庄园,目前开发出五分之一就有12万平方米,还有一个王家大院也非常大,这些大院开创了晋商文化。“北有晋商,南有徽商”。但是晋商比徽商厉害得多,清末年间慈禧太后逃难到西安,路过山西没有钱,就是向晋商借的。 最后也是最有价值的一块就是晋北的佛教古建文化游。 主要景点有:世界文化遗产——大同云岗石窟、被明代旅行家徐霞客称为"天下巨观"的悬空寺、世界上最高大最古老的木结构建筑应县木塔、中国最大的九龙壁、四大佛教名山——五台山佛教建筑群等等 二是华夏名人出山西 在中国诸省份中,就人才而言,无论从质量还是数量上讲,没有一个可与山西相比。上下五千年的文明历史中,山西籍的帝王将相、才子佳人,是层出不穷,举不胜举。春秋时代叱咤风云的晋文公,品格高尚宁死不受禄的介子推;战国时代大思想家荀况,老将廉颇;汉朝名将卫青、霍去病;三国大将关羽、张辽;唐朝大诗人王勃、王维、白居易、柳宗元;宋代史学家司马光,戏曲家关汉卿,民国时有在山西搞独立王国的阎锡山总督,毛泽东时代有国人皆知的“农业学大寨”陈永贵总理,更有那个“你办事我放心”的一脸憨傻表情的华国锋主席。现在文艺界的一些名人,出生在平遥的歌唱家闫维文,被称为世界第四男高音的戴玉强,中国最棒的舞蹈编导张纪刚以及这几年刚刚走红的歌手谭晶……山西的名人实在太多,太多了。 有一个家族自汉至隋唐,千年不衰,出现了59位宰相,59位大将军,14位中书侍郎,8位皇后及王妃,21位驸马,这个家族姓裴,在山西。 唐时有两位出色的女性,一位奠定了开元盛世的基础,一位导致了开元盛世的终结,这两位女性是则天武后和贵妃玉环,她们出生在山西。 不过在山西的历史名人中,最有名的还是关云长。凡看过《三国演义》的,无不对那个骑赤兔马,提偃月刀,过五关斩六将的红脸大汉抱几份敬畏之心。他人长得帅,“卧蚕眉,丹凤眼”,加上一把既“性格“”又“性感”的三缕美髯,再把绿战袍一披,呵,比雄孔雀还漂亮呢。连曹操这样的大男人见了都有几份羡慕与嫉妒。他人品更棒,不好色,不嗜酒,不贪钱,不慕权,忠肝义胆,有勇有谋,如果按现在的标准,简直就是个“杰出青年”。 罗贯中写《三国演义》时,对这个老乡大加渲染。这个如此“标致” 的偶像级人物,拥有太多太多的FANS。历代的皇帝喜欢他,总是加官进爵,封帝尊神,终于,步步高升,为“关公”,为“关帝”,为“关老爷”了。民间的百姓也喜欢他。几乎有华人的地方,都有他的身影。最有意思的是在泰国,法院开庭时,宣誓对象不是国家元首,而是公关。看来,这个山西人,早已远远跨越时空,超越人种、民族与国家的界限,神化成一种或文化或精神的图腾。 三是华夏文化在山西 唐诗历来以雄朴浑厚著称。而在唐代诗人里,山西诗人占有相当的份量。据统计,《全唐诗》近五万首作品,二千余名诗人,有758名诗人姓名可考,而其中山西籍就有82人。诗作方面,仅太原白居易一人的诗作就达2000余首。这些数据不能不令人惊叹。可以说山西诗人实际支撑了半部全唐诗,唐诗中,无论王之涣“欲穷千里目,更上一层楼”的精妙哲思,还是王翰“醉卧沙场君莫笑,古来征战几人回”的大气豪爽;无论王维“明月松间照,清泉石上流”的淡雅清新,还是柳宗元“孤舟蓑笠翁,独钓寒江雪”的疏淡峻洁,都精彩得要命,漂亮得要命。是的,好作品是能要命,甚至能要了作者的命。当年,山西诗人薛道衡就因为一句“空粱落燕泥”,招来隋炀帝的嫉妒,借口把头砍了,看你还会“空粱落燕泥”么? 山西还出过不少的名师。春秋时出了个有名的儒学大教育家荀子,战国时又有一个的鬼谷子,隋末唐初,还出了一个培养房玄龄、魏征等贤臣名相的大教育家王通。这位王通老先生历害,他的孙子王勃就更厉害。众所周知,二十岁时他就写出了脍炙人口的不朽名篇《腾王阁序》。这般年纪,能写出“落霞与孤雁齐飞,秋水共长天一色”的绝妙好词来,自然与他的“家渊极深”有关。 司马光砸缸的故事,在中国可谓是家喻户晓,妇孺皆知。这位智救小友的灵童,是山西夏县人。自小志向远大,聪慧好读,长大后,写就了辉煌巨著《资治通鉴》, 明末清初之际,山西又出了一位诗书画医四绝的大学问家傅山。他聪明得不得了,无论书画,还是诗学,都有过人之处,独成一派,堪称北方文坛的领袖。梁启超就曾夸他的才学“黄河以北无人可比”。当时的康熙皇帝觉得他是个人才,便想给他个官职。但他很倔,坚守“正统”气节,就是不合作。当时被强抬进北京。在他看到“大清门”三字时便滚倒在地,两泪直流,不肯起来。皇帝最后也拿他无可奈何。要知他这样做,可能会触怒龙颜而掉脑袋的,可他就是不怕。使人不能不敬佩他敢与皇帝搞对抗的勇气。 这位执拗的老西儿,还有一大贡献就是在妇科的研究上。他编写的《傅青主女科》,是中国古代最好、最全面,也是最权威的妇科医学著作。今日此领域的专家学人,依然视为精典。在他那个时代,一个大男人,特别是一位有名望的读书人,专攻妇科,为女子排忧解难,是需要很大勇气与魄力的。 像初唐的王勃、盛唐的王维、中唐的白居易、晚唐的温庭筠都是晋人,《三国演义》的作者罗贯中也是晋人。 四是华夏财富汇山西 从宋朝到清朝,晋商纵横中国一千年,在这漫长的历史中,尤其是在清朝,全国排名前16位的大财团都在山西,山西艰苦的自然生存环境与纵横天下的晋商形成鲜明的对比。 五是华夏人气看山西 2001年香港凤凰卫视曾做过一个专题节目,在这个节目中全方位介绍山西的历史和经济发展情况。他们把山西放到大中国的背景来看,提出一个全新的理念,“十年中国看深圳,百年中国看上海,千年中国看北京,三千年中国看陕西,五千年中国看山西”。为什么这么说?深圳是中国改革开放的缩影,所以“十年中国看深圳”;一百五十年前上海只是江苏省的一个小镇,现在已经发展成为东方第一大都市,上海是中国近代史的缩影,所以“百年中国看上海”;北京真正成为大中国的首都是从辽金时代开始的,距今约850年,所以“千年中国看北京”;从周文王、周武王的历史开始,到现在正好是三千年,所以“三千年中国看陕西”;从尧舜禹时代到现在大约是五千年,所以“五千年中国看山西”。 凤凰卫视播出这个节目以后,全国不停地出现“盗版”,西安提出“五千年中国看西安”,洛阳也提出“五千年中国看洛阳”。而 “五千年中国看山西”有确凿的理论依据,不是随便讲的。因为尧王立都平阳是在公元前4700年发生的事情,尧王在这里划分九州,建立了我国历史上第一个统一的国家体制。其次,尧王制定的法典———《尧典》也是在这里。而且,敬敷五教是中国最早的教育制度,相传,中华民族的始祖黄帝,曾带领山西南部的人民治理黄河。历史上的尧、舜、禹,也都在山西晋南一带建都,尧都平阳(临汾);舜都蒲坂(永济);禹都安邑(夏县)。中国的第一个王朝夏,就在今晋南一带。这些都是公元前4700年发生的事情,而且,敬敷五教是中国最早的教育制度,大禹治水开创了我国历史上兴修水利的先河,仓颉造字开创了中国文字,此后的后稷稼穑、神农氏教人种地,中国从此进入农耕时代……所有这些事情都发生在山西境内,所以说“五千年中国看山西”。这断然不是夸张。可以说山西是“国中之国”,懂得山西就懂得中国。 [感受山西] “地下文物看陕西,地上文物看山西”。我们经常说到陕西旅游是上坟,可看的景点大多是陵墓,从这个坟墓钻出来,又钻到那个坟墓去看。 而在山西不是这样,可以说只要世上有的,你说山西什么没有?说五岳,山西占了一个——北岳恒山;说佛教圣地,山西据了有四大佛教名山之首——五台山;说石窟,洛阳的龙门石窟只不过是大同云冈石窟的继续篇;说木塔,应县木塔世界第一;说人文,三皇五帝的三皇都在山西;说古城,没人敢说平遥的排世界第二;说文化,古代大师级的山西占了八分之一;说佛教道教儒教,你说在山西的哪个角落你看不到?说传说,地道的山西人哪个嘴里没有三段五段?论资源,山西的那个煤叫海;演地势,整个华北平原和京都都被她鸟瞰。 说山也行,左手一指是太行,右手一指是吕梁,楞是生生的让个郭兰英给唱红了。说水也可以,咱中华民族的母亲河就在山西。 山西的旅游资源多,是吧!所以,你们就来山西了。 可是好多朋友,草草的来山西一趟,又草草的走马一圈,又草草的捕捉点滴印象,又草草的回去了。他们就看了一个山西的表,就看了一个山西的象。 来山西看什么?看山西就看山西的古,看山西就看山西的朴,看山西就看山西的淳,看山西就看山西的厚,说白了,看山西就看山西的那个中华民族的魂。 想看山西吗?那就看一眼吧。感受中国,就应当感受山西。

陈建祖:阎锡山主政山西期间,山西的产业已经比较完备,像机械加工、兵工厂、铁路、钢铁、煤矿等等都有,在这基础上山西在建国初期发展得很快。山西和上海为共和国的工业打下了非常扎实的基础,上海主要是技术和精加工,山西主要是能源和初加工。福建、广东那时候都是前沿阵地,不能为国家经济作出什么贡献。在计划经济时代,人们把山西称为“中国的中东”,全国有70%的煤从这里出口,还有京津唐地区的电力供应,上海、江浙一带的能源煤也是由山西供应。朱基同志任上海市委书记的时候,曾亲自率领上海歌舞团来山西,为煤矿工人进行慰问演出。20世纪90年代以前,山西作为中国的能源大省而存在了40多年,从北往南,大同、太原、潞安、晋城等煤矿都是国家统配的煤矿;太原钢铁厂、太原电厂也都是国家重点工程,属于中央直管。国家在计划经济时代不断地从山西索取,发展到最后山西是每输出一度电都要赔钱。以至于到20世纪90年代,我们省的人大主任和政协主席几次在“两会”期间大声疾呼,觉得国家对山西要得太多,而又不给一定的返补政策。因为计划经济不按照市场规律办事,付出与回报又长期不成比例,山西逐渐落伍了,本该富有的“中东”现在还是比较贫困。在20世纪80年代以前,山西的人均收入曾一度在全国排名处于中上水平,GDP值最高时曾排到第14位。到了20世纪90年代中期人均收入却沦落为全国倒数第一,这两年摆脱了倒数第一,上升到倒数第四。虽然这也是一个进步,但实际上是一件很尴尬的事情。 从最北边的大同云岗石窟往南走,一路上有北岳恒山、应县木塔、五台山、太原的晋祠、祁县的乔家大院。像五台山有一个佛光寺,是唐代的木结构建筑,至今1,400多年,全国只此一家;应县木塔是900年前的建筑,著名建筑学家梁思成认为是世界奇迹,叫作“中国的比萨斜塔”,实际上比意大利的比萨斜塔还要高,是世界现存最古最高的木结构塔。乔家大院是电影《大红灯笼高高挂》的外景地,其实规模很小,不过是封闭的财主式小家小院。规模最大的是榆次常家庄园,目前开发出五分之一就有12万平方米,整个庄园非常畅亮,与财主们不一样,常家祖辈是做茶业的,从乾隆到宣统历经七朝,沿袭150余年,可谓山西本省茁壮的“资本主义萌芽”,现在只开发出了几万平方米。介休县的灵石有一个王家大院也非常大,这些大院开创了晋中的商文化。晋商比徽商厉害得多,清末年间慈禧太后逃难到西安,路过山西没有钱,就是向晋商借的。山西的农工商富足到什么程度?包头原来是康熙征讨噶尔丹时的一个兵驿站,山西人在那里为清兵办辎重,逐渐发展成了包头城;辽宁的朝阳是山西一个姓曹的做豆腐的生意人建成的;现在北京的大栅栏、珠市口有70万山西人后裔在那里。山西的人文景观还有永济的莺莺塔和黄河大铁牛、历山的舜墓,可以说整个黄河文明都能在山西找到踪迹。前几十年一直强调山西是能源、重化工基地,而忽略了开发这些旅游资源。陕西没有能源优势,而西安是六朝古都,所以很早就把旅游资源开发出来了,那些年人们都是越过山西到陕西。

1.猫耳朵 cat-ear shaped noodles 2.刀拨面 sliced noodles 3.揪片 pinching pasta 4.剔尖面 Noodles made with chopsticks and a plate. 5.水煎包 lightly fried Chinese bread 6 手擀面 Handmade noodles 7.杂酱面 Noodles with soybean paste 8.油泼面 Oil_sprinkled noodles 9.卤面 Noodles with gravy 10.饸饹 Buckwheat noodles 11.四川担担面 Noodles with sesame paste&pea sprouts 12.河南烩面 Henan braised noodles

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...difficult. This poem is in nine stanzas, where the first four stanzas describe the process of starting up the tractor while the last five stanzas, describe how the tractor finally starts up and rejoices. The poet personifies the tractor and uses contrast to bring about its theme in the poem. Firstly, the narrative point of view poet uses a first person narrative viewpoint, which creates an impression of irritation and anger that the poet has towards the tractor. This helps us to understand the emotions of the persona towards the tractor. Firstly, he uses “I stare at it in hatred”. The emotion ‘hatred’ is a passionate feeling of anger, and the ‘stare’ tells us that it is extremely irritated by the reluctance of the tractor start as it ‘defied’ the narrator. This phrase tells us that the persona is facing a lot of difficulty, causing him to feel hatred towards the tractor. Additionally, the poet uses “I squirt commercial sure-fire down the black throat”. This phrase has the fuel chute, which connects fuel to the oil tank, personified to be a throat, which creates an impression that the tractor is similar to a human in the sense that it has a throat for ‘food’, that is in comparison to fuel, to have energy to start. Moreover, this is ironic because the fuel is ‘sure-fire’ which means that the fuel will definitely cause the engine to start. However, the fuel...

Words: 772 - Pages: 4

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Inner Beauty

...behave. It can be changed through actions, manners and behaviors. Physical beauty is largely inherited from parents. But physical beauty can also be changed with cosmetic procedures and plastic surgery. People often choose such interventions to make a more acceptable image. The importance of the two beauties is the quality. Many people feel inner beauty is more important and pure than physical beauty. It does not lie and involves the heart, mind and soul. Inner beauty never fades away and differentiates one person from another. Physical beauty is temporary and can fade away over time. Inner beauty leaves a lasting impression on people. In conclusion, inner beauty and physical beauty have equal importance in people’s lives. But they still have differences--the way they are defined, how they are achieved, and how they alter the impressions of...

Words: 326 - Pages: 2

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British Literature

...problem is difficult. This poem is in nine stanzas, where the first four stanzas describe the process of starting up the tractor while the last five stanzas, describe how the tractor finally starts up and rejoices. The poet personifies the tractor and uses contrast to bring about its theme in the poem. Firstly, the narrative point of view poet uses a first person narrative viewpoint, which creates an impression of irritation and anger that the poet has towards the tractor. This helps us to understand the emotions of the persona towards the tractor. Firstly, he uses “I stare at it in hatred”. The emotion ‘hatred’ is a passionate feeling of anger, and the ‘stare’ tells us that it is extremely irritated by the reluctance of the tractor start as it ‘defied’ the narrator. This phrase tells us that the persona is facing a lot of difficulty, causing him to feel hatred towards the tractor. Additionally, the poet uses “I squirt commercial sure-fire down the black throat”. This phrase has the fuel chute, which connects fuel to the oil tank, personified to be a throat, which creates an impression that the tractor is similar to a human in the sense that it has a throat for ‘food’, that is in comparison to fuel, to have energy to start. Moreover, this is ironic because the fuel is ‘sure-fire’ which means that the fuel will definitely cause the engine to start....

Words: 775 - Pages: 4

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Is It Morally Correct To Judge Research

...judge a person based off of the first impression? First impressions can be misinterpreted often depending on the situation occurring. The average person experiences first impressions on a daily basis. Many say to judge a person based off whether they appear to be amiable or uncongenial is erroneous. Some feel that it’s necessary to make such conjectures of a person’s temperament when the initial greeting is rather belligerent. In hindsight judging is morally wrong because you never know what a person’s actions may be. There are multiple points of view when it comes to first impressions. It can be seen to be okay to judge someone based off a first impression when it comes to a professional or personal situation. For example, in a job interview an employer bases whether a candidate is applicable or not off of the candidate’s responses. In that sense an employer isn’t worried about the person’s character outside of that interview. It’s all depends on what happens during the first meeting. Another event of judging can stimulate during a raw, vulnerable moment in a person’s life. In that moment a person may base their opinion off of a specific emotion, which can blur a person’s true sense of synergy....

Words: 540 - Pages: 3

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...Résumé Impressions Image consultant Suman R Agarwal on how to make your résumé clear, precise and relevant If first impressions are important in an interview, the impression your résumé creates are no less important. In order to ensure that, take care of the elements mentioned below: Your Story — Understand the position, level in hierarchy, department and industry culture. Map your contributions with what the company is looking for. Customise your résumé when required. Are they looking for a strong technical expert or someone with strong people skills? Talk to current employees and read up about the company. For each company you have worked with, every designation held and every academic institution attended, the executive wants to see three things:     a. What goes into the résumé must be relevant to the job you have applied for. Mention your contributions, projects undertaken and the extracurricular activities in school or college, for example, ‘Achieved 100% target all through.’     b. Describe the constraints and the complexity involved in the project or in your contribution (example: Achieved 100% target or raised sales by 10% despite the downturn during which client company cut purchases by 20% and in the presence of leading competitors).     c. The above details not only convey your potential to the interviewer, but also help focus interview questions on how you made it happen. Make the subheads speak for themselves so that the executive glancing rapidly...

Words: 377 - Pages: 2

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Evaluation and Judgment

...of person they really are this is known as first impression. If a person has tattoos and piercing, many may evaluate that person as a drug user or in a gang. We may evaluate others by their career choice, people will tend to feel lawyers are all greedy liars and doctors are all very intelligent. People who move into a new neighborhood may evaluate their neighbors by the size of their home or the kind of car they drive. People also tend to evaluate people based on where they live or how they grew up. If hearing a certain family name, and that family has a reputation for alcoholism, people will evaluate that all family members drink heavily. Many aspects in life can affect the way people evaluate others. • How do these factors play a role in our expectations of other people? People tend to expect certain behaviors from others based on first impressions or evaluations. We use these expectations to communicate with others. If we see a person as attractive, intelligent, rich we may expect their behaviors and intentions as good and want to form a relationship with that person. If we see people as less attractive, unintelligent, or poor we tend to expect bad interactions with them and shy away from them. These expectations can be false and can cause people to befriend the wrong types of people. Unfortunately, once an initial evaluation has been made and people do not live up to the expectations, it is hard to change a first impression or...

Words: 475 - Pages: 2

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First Impressions

...FIRST IMPRESSIONS AND THEIR POWER, How first impressions strike us and their power to change actions Jacob XXXXXX CSU-Global ABSTRACT ------------------------------------------------- This paper will look at first impressions, how they strike us, the powerful ways in which they change our behavior and affect our decisions. How first impressions strike us and their power to change actions First impressions strike us in many different ways. They are often a powerful inhibitor which change the ways in which we would interact with others around us. Often times they are not indicative of the person we are meeting, yet they can permanently alter the ways in which we view others and the ways in which we interact with others. They are however not always permanent impressions. Many times a first impression can be less than desirable for many reasons. Such reasons can range from a person feeling under the weather, a person having unrelated stressors affecting their behavior to an unplanned and inconvenient meeting of two people. When a first impression is less than desirable for the meete, the meetor can tend to make certain assumptions about the meete. These assumptions can range from believing that the meete is less than capable at a particular task/job to believing that the meete is perhaps an undereducated and unmotivated person. However, the same can be said in reciprocal. Take for example a person who has nothing more than a high school diploma and a slightly better...

Words: 829 - Pages: 4

Premium Essay

Psychology of First Impressions

...Psychology of First Impressions Name Institution Psychology of First Impressions Introduction In life, human beings get to play different roles and to be different things to a variety of people. The identities that individuals claim as well as the roles people assume in the interpersonal, social, and organizational settings are not often complicated, and everyone can be considered as actors demonstrating different characters in our quest to please other. As people experience differing social scenarios, many tend to alter or modify their behaviors to be perceived well by other. Such action is termed as Impression Management (IM). Hence, the manner in which individuals perceive others is of importance in social settings and interpersonal relations and thus tends to affect human lives. As individuals experience diverse social situations from the moment they step out of the house until the evening, people often carry themselves in a way that ensures others perceive them positively. Individuals draw trait assumptions from the appearance of subjects including facial appearance and body posture among others. A short time of contact and exposure correlates with the judgment made by others, demonstrating that exposure time is sufficient for individuals to form an impression. This paper discusses the concept of first impression and how they are perceived and incorporates tactics such as IM (Impression Management), self-presentation...

Words: 1586 - Pages: 7

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Legit Essay

...first ten seconds of meeting someone for the first time they will have made a very important judgment of you which will dictate your relationship/affiliation with that person from that point on. It took me a very long time to agree with him, because I always believed that people shouldn’t make any judgment without actually getting to know you first. As I grew and matured, I realized that both of these points were very important and comprised the central idea of a first impression, good or bad. As a society in general we place a lot of importance on material things, including clothing and accessories, so the way someone presents themselves can usually tell us a few things about them. What I mean by that is if someone comes to a meeting with a Yves Saint Laurent suit and a Movado watch, we can assume they are financially well off. At the same time, someone who comes in with a very cheap suit will usually be perceived as financially deprived. Even though we can make such assumptions from these first impressions about people, it is not usually the financial situation that we should focus on, but more so on what that means in terms of their education and ability/knowledge to conduct themselves publicly in a very professional manner and understand the proper etiquette in different professional environments. For example, the financially sound first person with the expensive clothing and accessories will usually be assumed to know all of these manners and be very educated, meaning it...

Words: 649 - Pages: 3

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First Impressions In John Steinbeck's Of Mice And Men

...“How you present yourself, is how others see you.” First impressions can indeed be hard to change. Most of first impressions stay the same throughout a long period of time. It is almost like a label that is given. In the novel, Of Mice and Men, the impressions of most characters were kept the same, until the end. So yes, first impressions are almost impossible to change, although some people do believe they can, but it is rare. First impressions are almost impossible to change because they are the first things that come to mind when the person is seen, they are most of the time very accurate, and their actions portray the person’s personality. Actions can be louder than words. Most of the time, people stick with their first impression of a person. First impressions are usually thought of first. There is also a saying that states to trust the gut feeling, because it is most likely to be true. Also, impressions are based on the actions that are done. At the beginning, and throughout the book, Lennie was compared to a horse. The novel states, "...snorting into the water like a horse." He was compared to horse because of the way he was drinking water from...

Words: 640 - Pages: 3

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Patient Perception Essay

...First impressions is the most important thing ever when dealing with people. The way they view you the first time tells a lot about how you may or may not treat them in the future. Having a good impression is critical in the health care, especially those who are dealing with patients directly. It is crucial to have a good appearance and attitude at all times because you never know how a person is examining you. In my opinion patient perception is very important. It can cause you to have good ground between you and the patient. Having this can either help the patient feel they can or cannot open up to you and let you know everything that is wrong with them. The first thing a person examines is how you present yourself and the space around...

Words: 597 - Pages: 3

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...Dramaturgy Everyday we play different roles in society. There are different sides that we show to each individual we encounter based on what their roles are in our lives. In this paper, I will discuss the sociological perspective known as dramaturgy. I will describe my front and back stages. My use of impression management will be discussed as well as why we use this form of management. Being social beings on the stage of life, we must play our parts accordingly. Dramaturgy is one social perspective that revolves around role playing. This theory says that we are like actors on a stage and we take on many roles when we interact with others. We constantly change our role (character) when we meet new people. There are two stages associated with dramaturgy and they are the front and back stages. The front stage is the stage where actions are visible to the audience and are part of the performance. Everyday my life is filled with front stages. My office where I work as a Correctional Records Technician serves as one of my front stages. It is there where I assist a multitude of public citizens on a daily basis. My home is another front stage. This is where I take on the role of head of household. The back stage is where performers are present but audience is not, and the performers can step out of character without fear of disrupting the performance. When I get into my car and turn the radio on and hear a song with a nice beat, I start singing and moving to the beat. My car serves...

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