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Short And Long-Term Effects Of Concussions In Football

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Concussions are an injury when a person takes a hit to the head. Concussions normally happen when playing sports like football. Adults whose kids play in football may not let the kids play football anymore because of the long-term effects of concussions. Many players that get concussions end up getting brain damage or CTE. Many concussions are overlooked and can put the concussed player at risk for more concussions.

Kids love playing sports espestionaly football, but the more kids play sports the more aggressive they can be while playing. This can lead to the player taking a hit to the head which can lead to concussions. As parents have there kids get concussions the less they will like the sport. And when they pull their kid out of that sport they won't watch that sport on TV then starting a chain where fewer people will participate in that sport. Sometimes the concussion can get overlooked leading to worse injuries. …show more content…
One day in practice he took a hit to the head and felt whosy, when he went to the camp nurse he said that he didn’t have a concussion and could play in the next game. In the next game Preston Plevretes took yet another hit to the head but this time it was much worse. Right after the hit, Preston's brain started to swell in his skull. This injury required for part of his skull to be removed, after the surgery he was left unable to talk and walk for many months. When he was able to walk and talk he had to go through another surgery that left him not walking and not talking for another few months. All of this happened because his head injury was overlooked in practice. Preston’s life was changed because of a concussion, but another MVP football player suffered another disease from a

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