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Should Abortion Be Allowed In High School

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Abortion has been one of the top controversial topics for as long as I can remember. If you were to ask a classroom full of students what their thoughts on abortion were, the answers would vary depending on the student. You would have students arguing back and forth taking sides. My opinion on abortion has changed as I grew older. I learned more about the procedure and heard different viewpoints on the topic. I am now pro-choice. I think abortion should be legal in all states. It should be available to teens who get pregnant but are not ready to take on the responsibility of having a baby. It should also be available to the mother who already has three kids but accidently got pregnant and can't handle having another child. Abortion should not …show more content…
By the time it's get approved it may to be too late to get an abortion. Another law that I do agree with is that an abortion is only allowed in the late trimesters if the mother's health or life is put at risk. There is no reason to be getting an abortion when you are into the second or third trimester unless it’s for your safety. One law that I don't agree on and I think should be changed is that abortions are not covered on most health insurances. Paying out of pocket for an abortion can cost up to 1500 hundred maybe even more. Which not everyone has that type of money on hand, especially if they are young. Many states allow the health care provider to refuse to participate in an abortion. The United States is split between pro-choice and pro-life and has always been since the 1800’s. Currently there are about 46 percent of Americans that are pro-life and 47 percent of Americans who are …show more content…
Most people believe that the mother has the option to terminate the pregnancy up until the third trimester, which is complete lie and rarely happens. Having an abortion in the third trimester is only allowed when the mother’s health or life is put at risk. This is also allowed when a baby has a life threatening birth defect and will not survive outside the womb. Pro-life supporters argue that having an abortion is considered murder and that you are practically killing a human being. However, in 2011, the Britain's Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists said, “most neuroscientists believe that the cortex is necessary for pain perception. The cortex does not become functional until at least the 26th week of a fetus' development, long after most abortions are performed.” ( Britain’s Royal College Obstetricians and Gynecologists) The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists said that there is not enough evidence to prove that the baby or fetus feels any pain during an abortion. Another argument they may have is that getting an abortion may cause psychological damage or even result in serious health issues. For example, some women may experience depression after having an abortion. This may be true for some women but not all experience that and now in days the procedure is completely safe. Only about one percent of abortions lead to serious health issues and complications.

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