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Should Kneeling During The National Anthem Be Disrespectful?

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Kneeling during the national anthem is disrespectful because it’s displaying disrespect to the soldiers who are on active duty, soldiers who have died, and the soldiers who first fought for our flag.The men and women who are fighting for this country are symbolized by the American Flag and National Anthem. By these people kneeling it is displaying no appreciation for the soldiers who are still fighting for their freedom of speech. Although the offense these “ kneelers” have caused doesn’t stop there. For the families who have lost their loved ones in the wars have felt a strong offense to this issue America has been dealing with. The loved ones of many who have passed, look at the issue with the mind thought “ My loved one died for our freedom ,and this is how you repay them? “. Even hundreds of years after, people who study history and feel passionate about it or any life lost to the wars, can feel disrespected. The first brave soldiers who fought for the anthem and the flag had chosen to give their lives for generations after to enjoy their freedom and be able to cherish the land. …show more content…
Kneeling during the anthem isn’t a new phenomenon. In the past years people have protested during the anthem. The protests during the anthem started in the year 1968 with two black men raising a fist in the air after receiving their gold and bronze awards, which was also a black power salute. After Kaepernick protested no one signed him for this season. As other football players had seen him not get signed many then decided to change the meaning behind the protest. Now majority of football players is proceeding to kneel in protest against Kaepernick not being

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