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Should Referendums Be More Widely Used in the Uk?


Submitted By zaptkid
Words 658
Pages 3
Should referendums be more widely used in the UK?

Referendums are a type of direct democracy used in Britain that involve the public directly voting on a single issue in order to make a political

decision. This essay will argue that referendums shouldn’t

be more widely used in the UK. Many may argue that referendums should be more widely used in the UK because they are a pure form of direct democracy originating from Ancient Greece; they allow the people to rule and make decisions for themselves. A recent example of this is the 2014 referendum on Scottish

independence, which allowed Scotland’s people to choose whether they wanted to remain part of

the UK. However, according to the British constitution and the doctrine of parliamentary sovereignty, referendums cannot be binding. So, in theory, if the result of this referendum had been

“yes”, David Cameron has the authority to go against it—

no matter how unlikely Cameron actually doing this is. Even if the people vote with an overwhelming majority on an issue, parliament always

has the authority to overrule the referendum’s result thus making them much l

ess useful a tool in democracy and wider use of them much less advisable. Others might insist that higher usage of referendums would improve political participation in Britain, as is the case in California, where citizen-

initiated referendums (or “propositions” as there are

known in the US) are held regularly to help make political decisions in the state. A key piece of evidence supporting this argument is the huge turnout for the Scottish referendum last September of 85%. However, many call this high figure an anomaly: previous referendums, such as the 2011 vote on the AV voting system only had a turnout of 42%, and the Welsh Assembly vote earlier that year was even lower, at 36%. This raises the complex political question of

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