...The Curses of Social Networking For the past couple of years, we all know that technology has become a big part of our lives and has also changed the way people communicate with each other. With technology being more advanced now, we have been brought about many social networking sites like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and the list can go on. These social networking sites have allowed online users to post personal information on a profile and to bond with friends from anywhere around the world. Although this sounds like a great idea for all, it's actually becoming a huge issue for all online users who participate in the social networking sites and negatively affecting our society because of three big reasons: Cyber bullying, health related problems and privacy issues caused by the unnecessary use of social networks. So what cost may come with this advanced era of technology and the use of social networking sites? Let's find out! These famous online social networking sites are becoming extremely popular for the roles they play with cyber bullying and has no longer been limited to only the real world. Cyber bullying goes far beyond just the physical and verbal fights, but instead adds intimidation, being frightened, harassment, and embarrassment. Ciara Harris, a famous singing artist, pours out her feelings about cyber bullying on her online blog. Harris argues that cyber bullying does not make you or anyone else any cooler, so why do so many people still do it? She quarrels...
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...Children who consistently spend more than 4 hours per day watching television are more likely to be overweight. Health experts have long linked excessive TV watching to weight gain. While watching TV, kids are inactive and tend to snack. They're also bombarded with ads that encourage them to eat unhealthy foods. The problem isn't just how long children are watching TV but, what they are watching. According to William H. Deitz, pediatrician and prominent obesity expert at Tufts University School of Medicine, "The easiest way to reduce inactivity is to turn off the TV set. Almost anything else uses more energy than watching TV." Television affects the health of both children and adults. First and foremost, television ads are constantly bombarding us with information about health and nutrition, and unfortunately, most of it’s skewed. Our children are most susceptible to these leading advertisements. For instance, children may have a hard time recognizing fact from fiction when they see an ad that shows thin beautiful people enjoying high calorie, high fat foods and drinks. Roughly two-thirds of the 20,000 TV ads an average child sees each year are for food and most are for unhealthy foods. The majority of children who watch health related commercials believe what the ads say, even if the ads do not give accurate or balanced information. Watching television also affects one’s health by replacing other activities and by slowing the metabolic rate. Television viewing leads...
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...utilized a social cognitive theory framework in documenting gender portrayals in teen movies and investigating the influence of exposure to these images on gender-based beliefs about friendships, social aggression, and roles of women in society. First, a content analysis of gender portrayals in teen movies was conducted, revealing that female characters are more likely to be portrayed as socially aggressive than male characters. Second, college students were surveyed about their teen movie-viewing habits, gender-related beliefs, and attitudes. Findings suggest that viewing teen movies is associated with negative stereotypes about female friendships and gender roles. Research examining the effects of media exposure demonstrates that media consumption has a measurable influence on people's perceptions of the real world, and, regardless of the accuracy of these perceptions, they are used to help guide subsequent attitudes, judgments, and actions. For example, these results have been yielded for viewing media representations of race,1 the mentally ill,2 and the elderly.3 Past research additionally indicates that watching televised gender portrayals has an effect on individuals' real-world gender-based attitudes, beliefs, and behaviors.4 Based on this research, and the tenets of social cognitive theory, it would be expected that consumption of teen movies would have an analogous influence on audience members' gender-based attitudes and beliefs. Despite the popularity of teen movies...
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...Social networking sites reduces the net worth of children and teens The 21st century undoubtedly has become the era of technology; creating a global village of tremendous communication, research and inventions. Today, the global north is easily linked to the global south opening up a range of opportunities in the transport industry, economic interaction, media and publicity, cooperate governance and even socialization through social media. The concept of social media has revolutionized the way children and teenagers communicate and stay in touch with friends, relatives and close families, learning, information sharing, making virtual friends and creating a diverse world of people from different cultures around the globe and would never have met in a lifetime. The proliferation of social networking sites such as Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter has enabled children and youth to express themselves and make new beneficial connections quickly. It seem appropriate therefore to mention in few lines about how I personally feel about social media and what it has done for me. I definitely love being in my own space most of the time, within my own space, and alone, in this sense social media has provided the opportunity for me to interact without being in physical proximity with the person/persons. I appreciate this type of interaction as it saves me the awkwardness and strain I feel when meeting new people face to face. Moreover I can now shop online without leaving the confines...
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...Malaysia, the most popular social network is Facebook with records about 6.2 million visitors (Shahrizan In addition, 2010). The study also found that the majority of students (74.7%) have Internet access at home and only 18.1 percent surf the Internet at the cafe. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/suren-ramasubbu/influence-of-social-media-on-teenagers_b_7427740.html http://blog.malaysia-asia.my/2015/03/malaysia-social-media-statistics-2014.html Real Life Teens Social Media Addiction With the rising phenomenon of social networking websites such as Facebook and Twitter, constant interconnectivity with friends and family is now part of a teens daily life. However as opposed to enriching their lives, is social media just another avenue for teens to become addicted to? One of the biggest problems facing our teens today is the addictive, pervasive effects of social media. It can lead to increased distractibility, anxiety, depression and apathy. Fear of missing out (FOMO) is a very real feeling thats starting to permeate through teens social relationships. Social media sites like Facebook and Twitter are making this increasingly more difficult for a teen to avoid. Teens can quickly become self-absorbed in a superficial online world. As a direct result, they crave affirmations from their peers in the form of likes, favorites, shares, retweets, reblogs, and revines. They can even start to feel irrelevant without loads of social media attention. Teens who have trouble connecting face to...
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...Social Networking Argument Did you know spending too much time online and on social media is causing mental illness in children? Social media is taking over society to the point where one in 10 children now has a mental health issue, and a third of teenagers feel "low, sad, or down” at least once a week. It only takes a kid four hours or more a day in front of a screen to become mentally ill and the sad part is we all know kids spend way more than four hours a day in front of a screen. Childline, a free 24-hour counselling service for children and young people stated, “Number of calls to ChildLine about online bullying, suicidal thoughts, and self-harm has soared in recent years, mostly about cyberbullying on social media” (Mirror.co.uk)....
Words: 1890 - Pages: 8
...Neyva Hernandez Jeffery Runyon ENG122 December 11, 2013 How Technology and Social Media Control Children and Adolescents Incredibly many people look at their phones throughout the day to see if they have a text-message, email, notification from social media, missed calls, or simply just because it has become an addiction. Technology has been changing over the years, and new apps and newer upgrades for electronic devices are being developed. High tech is advancing at an incredible rate. Consider how technology has expanded and evolved in the last ten years. How to manage this new phenomenon was not taught to us as children because it did not exist. Many children and adolescents born in the 20th century cannot imagine their lives without TV, smart phones, computers, tablets, or iPods and many other devices; youth have technology surrounding them. As a result, many of the young people raised in the world of technology do not have the same level of emotional skills of those ten or more years ago. Adolescents and children depend on the Internet more than on themselves. They no longer have the same innovativeness. Obesity and cyber bulling has increased over the years. More suicides have occurred. Those who are exposed to violent video games, movies and TV programs have shown aggression. However, parents do not realize how those devices affect their child’s development. Social media already affects many adults; now think about how strongly modern technology affects toddlers...
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...How TV Affects Your Child Most kids plug into the world of television long before they enter school. According to the Kaiser Family Foundation (KFF): * two-thirds of infants and toddlers watch a screen an average of 2 hours a day * kids under age 6 watch an average of about 2 hours of screen media a day, primarily TV and videos or DVDs * kids and teens 8 to 18 years spend nearly 4 hours a day in front of a TV screen and almost 2 additional hours on the computer (outside of schoolwork) and playing video games The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) recommends that kids under 2 years old not watch any TV and that those older than 2 watch no more than 1 to 2 hours a day of quality programming. The first 2 years of life are considered a critical time for brain development. TV and other electronic media can get in the way of exploring, playing, and interacting with parents and others, which encourages learning and healthy physical and social development. As kids get older, too much screen time can interfere with activities such as being physically active, reading, doing homework, playing with friends, and spending time with family. Of course, TV in moderation can be a good thing: Preschoolers can get help learning the alphabet on public television, grade schoolers can learn about wildlife on nature shows, and parents can keep up with current events on the evening news. No doubt about it — TV can be an excellent educator and entertainer. Still, too much TV can...
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...Chapter 2 REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE AND STUDIES This chapter contains the gathered researches from different sources. These different studies will be used as a guide and support to the research. The related literature starts with the good and important effects of different gadgets used in learning areas and goes on with the possible effects that might happen to Students when technology is being used extensively. On the later part of the chapter are the gathered related studies and articles done by various researchers. Foreign Literature Jessica White (2005) said that, technology has completely changed the scope of education in America. Most states require a technology aspect to their school improvements plans. They have embraced the idea that using technology in their classroom makes the subject anything from math to art-more accessible to many kinds of students. Educators, administrators, parents, and students are so well-versed in technology that it has become norm in even the most economically disadvantaged schools. She also stated that controversy exist about some students having access too much information. Some internet sites are not monitored by educational sources. Students who have not been taught the proper way to research on the internet might make a research hypothesis based on a website whose information is untrustworthy. Educators should be cautious and explain exactly what their expectations to their students are. Plagiarizing-detection software checks that...
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...Almost everyone in the world should be able to raise their hand if a person were to ask if they had been bullied before in their lifetime. As the internet progressed to the way it has today, a new outlet for bullies to target their victims formed: Cyber Bullying. Social media has contributed many positives to today's society, yet one of the biggest downfalls of the internet was the creation of social networking sites. Many can argue that the internet is not the only cause, yet it is very prominent in situations of cyber bullying incidents. School has been thought of to be a safe environment for students who receive education. Bullying and Cyber-Bullying is a problem that tends to undermine the learning ability of an individual student. Cyber bullying is described as a sort of method of intimidation targeted at youths who use or have the capability to access any electronic devices, said Courtney Stoel. Traditional face to face bullying has taken on a new direction into the world of technology. More social networking sites have the ability to choose the option to become anonymous which creates an outlet to cyber-bullying. Becoming anonymous creates more cyber-bullies since they tend to express what they have to say without acknowledging their identity which creates a safe place for the bullies themselves. As more of the youth in today's society have been affected by cyber-bullying, school performance is at an all time low. Technology is always a resource around people, causing...
Words: 1813 - Pages: 8
...has a very powerful effect on society as we know it today most people think gamers are recluse that stay inside all day, are obese and have no social interaction what so ever. But not all gamers are like this some of us are sophisticated and have lives rather than not talking to anyone. What people say about the gaming industry and about gamers are wrong most of the time. Some of these are just plain wrong. Gamers and violence: Ever since a violent game has been around there have been people who are trying to put them down and cause controversy over the amount of violence in the video games. The papers have blamed many accidents caused by children or teenagers on them being able to play violent games. Many of these include, anger from call of duty competitiveness as well as more dangerous ones like shooting and robbing shops due to some effects of gta (grand theft auto) .These are of course due to speculation the papers have no proof that this is the case they say that games are the problem when they are not the problem it is mostly due to the fact that the children have access to a gun in the first place or their parents our bringing them up in a rough way or getting peer pressured into doing theses certain acts. This is a prime example of the papers speculating: The study is called “violent video games do not cause teens to become aggressive” ‘An 8-year-old in Louisiana shot and killed his grandmother. The incident has sparked new flames in the ongoing...
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...INTRODUCTION In today’s world people have become entirely dependent on their cell phones. One of the features that have changed the way people communicate is the ability to send SMS (Short Message Service) messages better known as text messages. SMS allows people to type messages and exchange them between mobile phones better known as texting. This trend of texting came around in late 90’s and has immensely advanced.It’s fast and it’s easy. We respond to that buzz of our phones spontaneously and tune out of our surroundings. A large number of drivers don’t hesitate to both read and respond to test messages while driving. Unfortunately texting has also become a huge safety concern when it occurs while driving. Texting while driving is a serious health issue. Multiple cases have confirmed that texting while driving is becoming a rising problem across the nation. The crashes are happening far too frequently involving both teens and adults. It has reached the point where many states have banned text messaging while operating a vehicle. While talking on a cell phone, a given user can still keep their eyes on the road and at least one hand free, where as text keeps the user’s eyes on and sometimes even both hands on the phone. Texting while you are driving takes one thing away, your vision. Everyone’s eyes are supposed to be on the road at all times. A crash could take place in just a second of you reading the message. Your eyes are the most important thing that you need while...
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...California, Los Angeles, CA, USA c Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA, USA Abstract In recent years, electronic games, home computers, and the Internet have assumed an important place in our lives. This paper presents a review of the research on the impact of home computer use on the development of children and adolescents. Time use data are presented along with a discussion of factors such as age, gender, and ethnicity, which impact the time spent on computers as well as the activities engaged in. Research on the impact of computer use on cognitive skill and academic development, social development and relationships, and perceptions of reality and violent behavior is reviewed. The special role of the Internet in the lives of adolescents is brought out using data from the HomeNet study. The paper concludes with recommendations for future study in order to better understand the growing impact of computers on our youth. D 2001 Elsevier Science Inc. All rights reserved. Keywords: Children; Computers; Internet I really want to move to Antarctica Ð I'd want my cat and Internet access and I'd be happy. ±16 year old HomeNet participant, 1995. 1. Introduction The time is ripe to assess the impact of home computer use on child and adolescent development. Over the past few years, a growing number of U.S. households have added * Corresponding author. Tel.: +1-323-343-5415; fax: +1-323-343-5019. E-mail address: ksubrah@calstatela.edu (K. Subrahmanyam). 0193-3973/01/$ ± see front...
Words: 13031 - Pages: 53
...the world around us. While it has made our lives more comfortable it has left some people complacent and has opened up more issues in our personnel lives. Some of our advancements have robbed us of basic skills that we need to retain. Teens have become so reliant on calculators that most colleges have banned them for placement tests. Some people have become so dependent on the technology around us that they will knowingly follow it and get themselves in a life or death situation such as with Global Positioning System. With the internet in almost every home and now on our cell phones we have been introduced to new issues to think and worry about. From hackers to viruses designed to break into your home computer or a company’s computer system just to get your personnel information. The internet has made it easier for thieves to steal your identity and ruin you financially taking years to fix. Our teens spend a lot of their time on internet and in most cases social media websites, which has made it easier for pedophiles and bullies to targeting our children putting them in danger. Yes, technology is a great thing but with the advancements also come a new set of problems when we get too reliant and complacent with the technology we us. As a society we have become way too reliant on the technology around us that help make our life easier. We all remember last year when super storm sandy hit the east coast. If you were like me, you lost...
Words: 1922 - Pages: 8
...Intro to Mass Communication 6 July 2016 Social Media Influences How many of us remember being a pre-teen or teenager? Those crucial middle school and high school years can be rough on their own but add social media sites like Facebook, Instagram and Snapchat and life as a young adolescent can be publicized and critiqued more so by hundreds of people you might not even know. Social media is a term used to describe the interaction between groups or individuals in which they produce, share, and sometimes exchange ideas over the internet and in virtual communities. The impact of social media on young adolecents is significant, children are growing up surrounded by mobile devices and interactive social media sites such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and Snapchat which has made the social media a vital aspect of their life. Social media is transforming the manner in which teenages interact with their parents, peers, as well as how they make use of technology. If not used properly however social media can be used in a negative context. My niece has been a victim of social cyberbullying on 2 of the 3 sites named above. She is a gorgeous 15yr old girl with full potential to take life by storm. Unfortunately, a group of her peers didn’t feel the same about her they not only shamed her at school but would post things on Facebook and Instagram about her. I believe the infatuation today’s world has with posting everything on a social media site is a little out of hand. It causes so...
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