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Submitted By justcono
Words 1628
Pages 7
Gangs have been a part of American Society for many years now. Some people would argue that gangs started around the 1950s (Made in America video). However the notorious gangs that most people know of, the Bloods and the Crips did not form until later. Many people question why young men and even kids join gangs, and there can be different answers to that question. However many people can agree that gangs and gang involvement is deviant act.
The question now is what type of deviant organization are gangs, according to me, I believe that gangs are organized crime groups, or also a deviant family outlook. I believe that gangs are organized crime groups because gangs make up 48% of violent crimes ( Gangs take part in many different violent acts such as murder, theft, rape, kidnaping and etc… That is because gangs compete with other rival gangs, and when asked why they fight most gang members did not have a reason why. (Made in America Video). However they said if they kill one of us, than we go and kill three of them, it is that type of attitude that has led to 48% of violent crimes. (Made in America Video). Gangs to me are also organized crime groups because they participate in drug manufacturing, trade, and distribution which has to be carefully operated, without it being organized there would not be a profit made. Participating in all these different activities within the gang is what leads me to believe that they are an organized crime group.
Another question that many people ask is, why do young men and kids join gangs? After reading “Why American Boys Join Gangs” the majority of kids that join gangs are low income minorities. According to Stanley Taylor, “―Ultimately, children become neurotic not from frustrations, but from the lack or loss of societal meaning in frustrations” (Taylor 340). Also according to a few gang members that were

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