Premium Essay

Similarities of the American & French Revolutions


Submitted By baseballmom
Words 829
Pages 4
Similarities of the American and French Revolutions

Occurring during the latter half of the 18th Century, the American and French Revolution were linked through similar circumstances and ideals. Born out of dire economic conditions and a desire for liberty, they both brought about constitutionalism in their respective nations. Just prior to the Revolutions, the citizens in both France and America were suffering under the weight of tax burdens. Along with the immense influence of the Enlightenment ideals of the time, out of both revolutions formal documents were written addressing the natural rights of citizens. The first similarity that can be seen in the American and French Revolutions was the presence of social unrest due to the imposition of taxes levied by their respective monarchies. America, as a colony under British rule was subject to taxes levied on them, without representation. The British Parliament was passing taxes to be levied against the colonists without them having constituents present in Parliament. This was particularly concerning to the American colonists, as this new pattern of collecting “unprecedented amounts of revenue” went against the precedent of prior “colonial-imperial relations.” (The Seven Years War to the American Revolution) Likewise, the French suffered under the “burden of a grossly inequitable system of taxation.” (French Revolution)

As a result of the Seven Years War, both the British and the French monarchy enacted taxes to lessen their war debt. At this time, particularly in France, the citizens were suffering due to the failures and ineptitude of the monarchy. (French Revolution) The citizens of France were experiencing “widespread famine and malnutrition”; particularly significant was the high price of bread. (French Revolution) Louis XVI, as monarch, attempted to “solve the government’s

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