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Skyrocket Research Paper

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I will never forget the feeling of riding the Skyrocket and I hope I never experience it again. Last summer, Michael was celebrating his birthday and he decided he wanted to go to Kennywood. He invited 5 friends, Ryan, Seth, Kai, Luca, and myself. Whenever we first arrived Seth said that we should all ride the Skyrocket and I agreed to even though I was scared. First, we got in line and waited for around a half an hour, then Ryan and I got in the front car and blasted up the hill, and finally I finished the ride and saw my humiliating picture.

As we arrived, I was very nervous we would ride a rollercoaster. We walked through the dimly lit tunnel and while we were inside you could hear ear-piercing screams from people on rides. Once we entered Kennywood Seth and Luca looked to the right and saw the Skyrocket. “Hey guys, let’s ride that first”, they both exclaimed in unison. I then looked over to see a big red structure that seemed to scrape the sky. Just as I looked back at my friends I saw them all running towards the line. The wait seemed like forever and as we waited my hands became sweaty. …show more content…
Just as I strapped myself in I broke a sweat.Suddenly I heard,”Get ready to blast off and we will see you back here in under one minute.” The next thing I knew I was atop the hill looking at the breathtakingly beautiful skyline of Pittsburgh. I could feel my breakfast slosh around in my stomach. I decided to close my eyes and hold on for dear life. “Why did I do this!”, I yelled at the top of my lungs. “Don’t worry”, Ryan said,”we are almost

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