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Smart Goals


Submitted By brettjr82
Words 673
Pages 3
University of Phoenix Material


Part A: Reflect on your results from the Career Interest Profiler Activity and the Career Plan Building Activity: Competencies. Building on your strengths and weaknesses, create five SMART goals to help you with your personal academic and career journey.

Resource: University of Phoenix Material: Goal Setting

Example: Take a writing workshop in the next 2 to 3 weeks to help me improve my writing skills in order to successfully communicate with others.

1. Get a Laptop
2. Homework for GEN195
3. Get a Haircut
4. Collaboration assignment GEN195
5. Weekly reading assignments

Part B: Evaluate your SMART goals according to the SMART criteria. Provide support for your evaluation.

| |S |M |A |R |T |
|Goal |Is the goal specific? |Is the goal measurable? |Is the goal attainable? |Is the goal realistic? |Is the goal timely? |
|Goal 1: |Yes |Yes |Yes |Yes |Yes |
| | | | | | |
|Get a laptop in the next week to |I will Purchase a Microsoft |I will measure my goal by |The Microsoft Surface Pro 2 is |I will have the money and time |The Surface Pro 2 wasn’t |
|help with me in my homework and |Surface Pro 2. It comes with |having the money to purchase |available online or at the |to purchase the Microsoft Pro |available at the store so I had|
|assignments in class |Microsoft Office Pro. |the Microsoft Surface Pro 2. |Microsoft store. |2. |to order it. It will take a |
| | | | | |week. |
|Goal 2: |Yes |Yes |Yes |Yes |Yes |
| | | | | | |
|Homework assignments for GEN195 |I will read my syllabus to see |I will measure my goal by |The assignments are found on |My assignments are for points. |A week is enough time to finish|
| |what assignments are due for |downloading the proper |the syllabus and can be |I have a week to turn in my |assignments. |
| |the week. Get online login to |assignments referred on my |downloaded from the student |assignments before 6:00 PM | |
| |my student website, and |syllabus. |website. |every Thursday. More than | |
| |download the assignments. | | |enough time to complete. | |
|Goal 3: |Yes |Yes |Yes |Yes |Yes |
| | | | | | |
|Get a haircut |I will get my hair cut low fade|I will measure this goal have |The Barber shop is located in |I will get my hair cut on |I will have the time, money and|
| |even all around, Friday at |the money for this haircut. |Mesa AZ and I will have a way |Friday. So I can maintain a |transportation to get this goal|
| |Xclusive Barber shop in Mesa by| |there. |well groomed look. |accomplished. |
| |Julio | | | | |
|Goal 4: |Yes |Yes |Yes |Yes |Yes |
| | | | | | |
|Collaboration assignment GEN195 |Team is agreed to approach and|All teammates will submit |I will then review all of the |All modifications input or |The final draft will be posted |
| |schedule for the week 2 |answers to each of the 3 |answers, compile them into and |acceptance will then be |with the certificate of |
| |Collaboration Worksheet |questions to the TeamB forum |post a “rough draft” in the |provided no later than 12pm on |originality no later than 6pm |
| |assignment. |(via attachment) no later than |TeamB forum (via attachment) |3/5/14. |on 3/5/14. |
| | |12pm on 3/3/14.s |for the team to review no later| | |
| |. | |than 12pm on 3/4/14. | | |
|Goal 5: |Yes |Yes |Yes |Yes |Yes |
| | | | | | |
|Weekly reading assignments |I will download my weekly |I will measure this goal by |The weekly readings are found |I will have a week to finish my|I will have a week each week to|
| |readings from the student |reading a chapter a day until |on your student website in the |readings before the class |finish my readings. |
| |website. |the next week before class |syllabus. |starts at 6:00 pm every | |
| | |every Thursday at 6:00 pm | |Thursday. | |

Part C: Answer the following questions in complete sentences.

1. How is understanding your career interests and competencies helpful in creating SMART goals?

2. How can understanding the value of SMART goals help in achieving your personal academic and career goals?

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