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Social Justice Analysis


Submitted By deliacard
Words 725
Pages 3
Social Justice Analysis
Delia M. Card
Frontier Nursing University

Social Justice Analysis
John Rawls identifies justice by two principles. The first as equal rights for every person with the same extent of liberties for all, and the second as inequalities that are shared by all for the advantage of all and freedom for anyone to hold any position (Bankston, III, 2010). The Research College of Nursing (2009) further accepts social justice as “fair treatment regardless of economic status, ethnicity, age, citizenship, disability, or sexual orientation.” These both sound much like the first truth in the Declaration of Independence; “all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness” (, 2013). However, social injustice in America and around the globe is an ever present problem. I have personally witnessed in the hospital setting how the less fortunate are treated with disrespect and many times disregard. Social justice looks great on paper but will it ever be a reality?
According to the mission statement of the World Trade Organization (WTO) (2013), the WTO primary purpose is to assist world trade flow with minimal undesirable side effects. The WTO is responsible for monitoring international trade contracts to keep such trade within specified limits (World Trade Organization, 2013). Between 1986 – 1994 the WTO established the Trade Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS) whose main premise is to monitor the rights of individual ideas and creativity (WTO, 2013). Since patents fall in the category of individual ideas and creativity, TRIPS job is to ensure that patents are protected when trade is involved. The issue of balancing patent protection for medication with assurance that people in developing countries have access

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