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Social Media Plan


Submitted By lillyinchains
Words 1655
Pages 7


MODULE A102IAE - Social Networking for Business MODULE LEADER Simon Hill STUDENT NAME Zehan Li STUDENT ID NUMBER 5324 200 SUBMISSION DATE 2nd May 2014 WORD COUNT 1516

INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................. 3 MAINBODY ..................................................................................................... 4 DEFINITION OF SOCIAL MEDIA ................................................................. 4 FUNCTION OF SOCIAL MEDIA ................................................................... 4 TWITTER & FACEBOOK ............................................................................. 5 SOCIAL MEDIA FOR DIFFERENT BUSINESS CONTEXTS ....................... 6 CONCLUSION & RECOMMENDATIONS....................................................... 7 BIBLIOGRAPHY ............................................................................................. 8



For many medium and small size enterprises, traditional methods of advertising are not an option due to the high costs. But now, as Web 2.0 technology has appeared, it can be used as a substitute for traditional advertising, and even more powerful. This essay begins by a brief definition of social media, and an explanation of differences between social media, social networking, E-commerce and Ecommunications. It will then go on to exploring the significant function and role of social media to small business such as OraBrash, a dental product, in modern society. The essay will then make a thorough inquiry in two specific social media platforms, Twitter and Facebook, useful applications those platforms offer for small business owners as well. In addition, potential and role of social media in different

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