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Social Media


Submitted By kipje
Words 2910
Pages 12
Social media, not so social as it looks
In this article we will discuss oo
In 2025 sociale media has led his own life en began to think for his own. It began to have his own inteligence. The goverment concluded that the human species was in danger and that they had to destroy the internet. The concesequence was that humans . In 2025 is social media zijn eigen leven gaan leiden hierbij ging internet zelf nadenken. Het kreeg een eigen inteligentie. Hierbij is de overheid tot de conclusie gekomen dat het menselijk ras in gevaar kwam en niet anders kon dan het internet vernietigen. Het gevolg hiervan was dat mensen weer nader tot elkaar kwamen omdat het sociale media er niet meer tussen stond. Mensen werden gedwongen om weer op de oude manier met elkaar te communiceren. Hierbij kwamen ook weer oude tradities en gewoontes tot leven; denk hierbij aan feestdagen en andere sociale tradities.

In 2010 was de opkomst was sociale media zeer hoog. Overal om je heen zag je sociale media uit de grond schieten. Denk hierbij aan facebook, hyves en twitter, de sociale media instrumenten van deze tijd. Mensen zagen elkaar nog wel privé maar al snel al werd duidelijk dat internet vele kansen bood om onder deze sociale afspraken uit te komen. Door korte berichtjes op bv hyves was je op de hoogte van iemand persoonlijke dagelijkse bezigheden en hoefde je hier elkaar niet meer voor te ontmoeten. Ook werd het internet steeds vaker gebruikt voor alle zaken waar je voordien voor uit bed moest zoals belastingaangifte. Waarvoor je vroeger je laptop nodig had heb je nu een telefoon met apps waar je met één knop online bent op alle social media gebieden. Op fashion gebied werden jonge bloggers heel populair. Bloggers die werden ontdekt door grote merken werden uitgenodigd om op de eerste rij te zitten van de fashion show. Zodat zij dit weer op internet konden zetten en de populariteit van de merken omhoog ging. Opvallend was dat om de mening van bloggers steeds vaker werd gevraagt en belangrijker werd. Waar mening fashionista van droomde werd voor sommige bloggers werkelijkheid. Fashionnamen gaan steeds meer samenwerken met deze sociale media om hun populariteit te vergroten. Replay heeft bv ook een wedstrijd online waar jonge designers een eigen collectie konden maken en de winnaar kreeg zijn eigen collectie onder het label replay.

In de jaren 2010 t/m 2015 werd deze trend voortgezet. Er waren nog steeds grote ontwikkelingen op het gebied van sociale media. Steeds meer applicaties kwamen op internet terecht. Internet begon ons leven langzaam te beïnvloeden. In deze tijd werd er veel geexpirimenteerd met sociale media. Scholen, instanties bekeken de mogelijkheden om cursussen via internet aan te bieden om wachtrijen te verminderen. Ook het percentage thuiswerkers is met 20% gestegen sinds 2010. Steeds meer mensen werken thuis en hoeven niet meer voor hun werk de deur uit. Fashion werd steeds meer aangeboden via internet. Aantal winkeliers drong terug en het online aankopen werd steeds groter.
Van 2015 naar 2020 zagen we grote veranderingen. Niet alleen kon niemand meer onder internet uit, het leven was ondenkelijk zonder deze social media. Mensen zaten alleen maar thuis en spraken niet meer buiten af. Wel was iedereen precies op de hoogte van hoe het met éénander ging maar ook de depresiviteit ging omhoog. Veel mensen misten de persoonlijke contact en voelden zich steeds meer alleen. Mensen zijn sociale wezen en voelen zich het prettigste met mensen om zich heen. In deze tijd werd dat zo teruggedrongen dat we afstand namen van ons oergevoelens. Toch viel dit niet op omdat mensen de schijn ophielden op internet. Slecht voelen werd taboe. Profielen werden gesaboteerd en mensen deden zich anders voor dat ze daadwerkelijk waren. Daardoor werden mensen verward, moeilijk was om te bepalen wie nou echte vrienden waren en wie dus oprecht waren. Door deze grote verwarring pleegden veel mensen zelfmoord wat werd verwijt aan de moordlustige spelletjes die je kon kopen. De waarheid was dat mensen niet onder ogen konden zien dat social media een nepwereld werd waar veel mensen ten onder gingen. Een ander effect is dat de non verbale communicatie wegvalt. Mensen werden eerlijk maar zeer hard tegen elkaar op internet. Omdat je niet de houding of toon kon merken werden er veel dingen nog harder opgevat. Dit zorgde niet alleen voor stress maar ook van isolatie van misschien wel echte vrienden. Dit verhoogde de depresiviteit nog hoger. Het aantal zelfmoorden steeg met 13,6%.
Op het gebied van fashion werd de trend al helemaal doorgezet. Winkels verdwenen en alles was online te zien en te kopen. Online was een paspop te vinden die je eigen maten kon aanmeten en die in 3d precies liet zien hoe de kleding jouw stond. Dit om miskopen te voorkomen. Mensen konden ook hun mening achterlaten, deze werd belangrijker dat professionele. Mensen bedachten hun eigen trend omdat de mening van het publiek belangrijker werd. Bloggers werden trend en sitewatchers en bepaalden het hele modebeeld. Opmerkelijk was om te zien dat comfertabele kleding een trend werd aangezien mensen steeds vaker thuis zaten. Designers bedachten niet meer hun eigen trend maar keken naar de mening van bloggers en pasten hier hun collectie op aan.
In 2025 stond revolutie centraal. Via een virus kreeg internet een eigen inteligentie.Dit virus was niet te kraken en internet begon een eigen leven te leiden. Waar wij dachten dat we konden surfen op internet was dit van te voren al bepaald door het denkende internet zelf. Nieuws werd geblokt en daardoor werden internationale betrekkingen onmogelijk. Als er ergens een ramp gebeurde wisten andere landen hier niks van af. Ook liet het virus de mensen alleen de dingen zien die gezien mochten worden. Netwerken werd onmogelijk, teksten werden verwisselt en profielen waren niet meer wie ze waren. Alle gegevens werden blootgesteld en niks was meer beveiligd. De privacy van mensen was niks meer waard. Daarnaast werden ook alle mobiele telefoongesprekken tentoongesteld. Politiek was er niks meer veilig en staatsgrepen lagen op de loer. Na zwaar overleg van alle politieke leiders van de wereld werd er besloten dat er 1 oplossing mogelijk was. Het internet moest vernietigd worden. Alleen hierdoor kon het virus vernietigd worden, later zouden we misschien nog internet opnieuw tot leven kunnen wekken maar zolang er dreiging was van een nieuw virus werd dit voor onmogelijk verklaard. Maar omdat internet zo ons leven was gaan bepalen had de mensheid niks meer. Daardoor werden de mensen gedwongen om back to basic te gaan. Mensen raakten veel vrienden kwijt die ze online hadden ontmoet en namen opnieuw contact op met oude vrienden waarvan ze het bestaan wel wisten. Door deze verandering wisten mensen niet zo goed meer wat ze moesten doen. Ze hadden het gevoel alsof ze nergens meer van op te hoogte waren. Gevoel van grote leegte ontstond. Ze waren zo gewend om alles te weten dat ze nu niks meer konden met de simplicity van de wereld. Krankzinnigheid barstte los, in één klap waren ze alles kwijt wat de afgelopen jaren zo belangrijk was geweest. Depresiviteit werd een feit en iedereen werd ongelukkig. Mensen moesten rouwen om dit grote verlies. Hun hele wereld bestond uit sociale media en in één keer waren ze dit allemaal kwijt. Niet alleen wisten mensen niet meer hoe echt persoonlijk contact ontstond maar daarnaast waren ze deze grote informatiekennis zo gewend dat ze waren afgestompt voor andere prikkelen. Mensen moesten leren andere interesses te krijgen. Het leven van 2010 kwam weer terug. Kranten werden weer veelvuldig gedrukt om mensen die kennisstroom toch te geven. De basis kwam weer terug. Journalisten en reporters werden weer belangrijk. Mensen trokken weer naar elkaar toe en kregen weer persoonlijk contact. De levens van vroeger kwamen terug als warme herinneringen.

Vandaag de dag is de kalmte weer wedergekeerd omdat de mensen hebben ingezien wat er echt belangrijk is in de wereld. Familie en vrienden staan centraal. De eerst genoemde sociale verplichtingen waren geen verplichtingen meer. Mensen vonden het fijn om elkaar te zien en hechtten hier extra waarde aan. Wel komt het besef dat de wereld in plaats van vooruit achteruit is gegaan. Alsof de tijd 30 jaar stil heeft gestaan en de wereld pijn heeft geleden. Er is veel goeds uitgekomen maar stiekem had iedereen meer van de wereld verwacht. Vliegen kunnen we nog steeds niet en we hebben er de afgelopen tijd toch een klein zooitje van gemaakt.

Concluderend kunnen we wel zeggen dat iets wat zo onschuldig leek in 2010 zo catostrofaal werd in 2025. We wisten dat internet ons leven ging beheersen maar wilden maar al te graag toegeven aan deze verandering. Nadat het virus werd vernietigd kwam de mensheid in een diep dal. De afgelopen jaren waren we zo gewend aan deze nieuwe levenstijl dat we waren vergeten wat echt belangrijk was en hadden we ons instinct vergooid. Nu moesten we weer geloven in het echte sociale contact wat ons niet al de makkelijk afging. Mensen waren schuw en bang voor elkaar. Mensen bleken niet diegene te zijn die ze voordeden op internet. Toch leerden we elkaar op deze oude manier weer echt te kennen en vriendschappen ontstonden die gebasseerd waren op echte gevoelens.

In 2025 sociale media has led his own life en began to think for his own. It began to have his own inteligence. The goverment concluded that the human species was in danger and that they had to destroy the internet. The concesequence was that humans

The government concluded that the human race is at risk and could do nothing but destroy the Internet. The result was that people came back closer to each other because social media is no longer stood between. People were forced to return to the old way of communication. Old traditions and habits came back to life, thinking of holidays and other social traditions.

In 2010, the turnout was very high social media. All around you saw social media shoot from the ground. Thinking of Facebook, MySpace and Twitter, the social media tools of today. People saw each other still private but it soon became clear that the Internet has offered many opportunities to evade this social arrangements. With short messages on hyves you were aware of personal daily activities and you didn´t had to meet each other anymore. Also the internet is increasingly used for all the things you previously had to get out of bed such as tax. At first you needed your laptop, but now you have a phone with apps and you're online with a button on all social media sites. On the fashion field, young bloggers became popular. Bloggers who were discovered by the big brands were invited to sit in the front row of the fashion show. So they could put back their opinion on the Internet and the popularity of the brands went up. Interestingly, the opinion was prompted bloggers and increasingly became more important. Were fashionista dreamed about for some bloggers this dream was reality. Fashion names are increasingly working with this social media to increase their popularity. Replay also has such an online game where young designers could make their own collections and the winner got his own collection under the label replay.

In the years 2010 to 2015, this trend was continued. There were still significant developments in social media. More and more applications came out the Internet. Internet began to affect our lives slowly. During this time many experimented with social media. Schools, agencies examined the possibilities to offer courses threw the Internet to reduce queues. Since 2010 the percentage of home workers has increased by 20%. More and more people work at home and no longer need to work out the door. Fashion has been increasingly offered over the Internet. Number of retailers pushed back and it was growing online purchases.
From 2015 to 2020 you saw great changes. Not only could no one among the Internet, life was inconceivable without social media. People just sat at home and sat no more outside. But everyone was aware of exactly how it went with everybody.. Many people missed the personal contact and felt increasingly isolated. People are social orphans and feel most comfortable with people around them. This time it was pushed back so we took away from our instinct. Yet this was not because people stopped appearances on the Internet. Bad feeling was taboo. Profiles were sabotaged and people did differently that they actually were. This made people confused, it was difficult to determine who were real friends and who wasn´t. Because of this confusion, many people committed suicide that was reprimand that the murderous games you could buy. The truth was that people could not face that social media was a fake world where many people perished. Another effect is that nonverbal communication is lost. People were honest but very hard against each other on the Internet. Because it was difficult to understand the attitude or tone things were much harder understood. This caused not only stress but also isolation may be real friends. This increased the depression even higher. The number of suicides rose by 13.6%.
In the field of fashion, the trend was certainly put through. Shopping was gone and everything was published online now. Online was a mannequin to find your size was measured and showed that in 3d exactly how your clothes stood. This is to prevent non-conforming. People could leave their opinion, it was more important than a professional opinion. Devised their own people because the trend of public opinion was important. Bloggers were trend watchers and determined the whole fashion. It was remarkable to see that comfortable clothing became popular as people increasingly were at home. Designers looked of the view of bloggers and applied it to own collections.
Revolution in 2025 was key. A virus got through a private Internet intelligence. This virus was unbreakable and the Internet began a life of its own. Where we thought we could surf the Internet it already was determined in advance by thinking the Internet itself. News was blocked, and thus international relations were impossible. If a disaster happened somewhere other countries knew nothing about this. The virus also showed people only see things that could be seen. Networking was not possible, texts were changing and profiles were not who they were. All data were exposed, and nothing was more secure. The privacy of people was worth nothing. In addition, all mobile phone display. In Politics nothing was safe and coups were lurking. After serious consultation with all political leaders of the world they decided that a solution was possible. The Internet had to be destroyed. Only that could destroy the virusand later we might have internet again to awaken, but as long as there was threat of a new virus that was declared to be impossible. But because the internet determined our lives had nothing. Thus people were forced to go back to basics. People got lost many friends they had met online and took on renewed contact with old friends that they knew existed. With this change, people didn´t know what to do. They felt like they had nothing more to be aware of. Great sense of emptiness arose. They were so used to know everything that they had nothing more to the simplicity of the world. Insanity erupted, suddenly lose everything they had in the past and those years had been so important. Depression was a fact and everybody was unhappy. People had to mourn this great loss. Their whole world consisted of a social media and all this time they were lost. Not only did people not know how real personal contact wend but there was great information that they were informed that they were so used for other dull tickle. People had to learn to get other interests. The life of 2010 came back. Newspapers were often pushed back to people who know how to power it. The base came back. Journalists and reporters were again important. People went back and got back their personal contact. The lives of the past came back as warm memories.

Today calmness returned because people have seen what is really important in the world. Family and friends are key. The former social obligations were no more obligations. People liked to see each other and attached more importance to this. Do you realize that the world did not go forward but backwords. 30 years if time stood still and the world have suffered pain. Much good came out but secretly, everyone expects more of the world. We still can not fly and we are recently still a little messed up.

In conclusion we can say that something as innocent in 2010 were catastrophic in 2025. We knew the Internet was controlling our lives but we wanted to admit this change. After the virus was destroyed, the humanity went in a deep valley in recent years, we were so accustomed to this new life style that we had forgotten what was really important and we had wasted our instinct. Now we had to believe in real social contact is not what we all went off easy. People were shy and afraid of each other. People appeared not to be that they claimed to be on the Internet. Yet we learned together in the old way again really know who created and friendships were based on real feelings.

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Social Media

...Social media in today’s world Kati Feathers Social media is a valuable and important tool in today’s society. It offers people the chance to keep in touch with each other no matter the distance and allows for the quick spread of new ideas, information, and resources. Social media is invaluable to those who use it. Sites such as Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest are all everyday staples in so many people’s lives. They are not only a great tool for personal connections, but also for businesses and organizations. The most popular social media site these days is Facebook. Facebook has taken the world by storm. It allows people to create their own page for not only themselves but for any business and/or organization. You can personalize and customize your page to tell as little or as much as you want people to know. Facebook allows you to “friend” people so that you can keep in touch at all times. You can post pictures, ideas, milestones, memories, thoughts, and even what you are eating for lunch if you should desire to do so. Facebook has become a worldwide phenomenon that allows people to all over to stay in touch with each other. Businesses and organizations also use Facebook to advertise and spread information. Most businesses these days also have a Facebook page so that people can search and find all the information they need. This one website has changed the way people communicate all over the world. Another social media site that has recently become popular is Twitter...

Words: 736 - Pages: 3

Free Essay

Social Media

...Social Media Jackie Johnson Hum-186 May 25, 2015 Erin Di Cesare Social Media When it comes to social media there is no one-size fits all, in today’s society it is much easier to obtain information from social media than one would think. There are advantages and disadvantages of easily obtainable information, just like there is advantages and disadvantages to social media, and knowing these advantages and disadvantages may very well alter the way one uses social media. Believe it or not there are advantages to easily obtainable information. One of which is expediency, it is convenient for people to be in one place and catch the hottest news, listen to fresh top songs on the billboard charts, watch and share music videos to those songs, while at the same time holding a conversation through chat multiple friends instantly. It is easier than reading the newspaper, watching TV, listening to the radio, and talking on the phone all at once to achieve the same thing. One can multi-task and do these things efficiently while conforming to society’s intolerant nature. A disadvantage of easily obtainable information is identity theft, which is where critical or sensitive information is available when it shouldn’t be. Another one is the unintentional discovery of finding out a family member perishing in a car accident or some other drastic way before the information is able to be properly delivered. There are many different advantages and disadvantages of social media. Everything...

Words: 753 - Pages: 4

Premium Essay

Social Media

...About Social Media Social media websites and applications allow users create online communities to share content, such as videos, personal messages, pictures, ideas and other information about themselves. Most forms of social media accept individual users as well as organizations, such as businesses and nonprofit groups. A business's social media profile may include links to its website, contact information and pictures of products or services the business offers. Marketing Businesses are constantly finding new ways to implement their marketing strategies through social media. Prior to the development of social media platforms, businesses relied on fliers sent through the mail, television commercials and word of mouth. While these marketing tactics are still useful, businesses can now use social media to instantly inform consumers about sales, the arrival of new products and exclusive promotions. Consumers can connect with their favorite retailers online to stay informed about new developments. Communication Social media also affects the way many retail businesses communicate with their customers. Instead of calling the store, writing a letter or sending an email, many customers prefer to communicate with a business using its social media profile. Customers may send private messages to the business, or they may post information publicly. Customers use social media to provide both positive and negative feedback about products or customer service. If a customer posts this information...

Words: 1944 - Pages: 8