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Social Work On Suicide

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A contemporary social issue of interest to me is suicide; in particular suicidal ideation in youth and young adults. Seeing the effect that suicide has on society has driven me to want to help those in need. In my limited experience so far, I know it is not that the young people struggling want to die – they are in despair and want to stop living the way they are living. While suicide can be a heart-wrenching and unclear topic for those affected by it, there are facts that need better understanding.

If the number one cause of suicide is mental illness, then I believe education and stigma reduction surrounding mental illness and seeking help are key factors in suicide prevention. Social workers counsel individuals experiencing thoughts of suicide on coping strategies and safety plans. They support family and friends on warning signs and help them develop plans on how to reduce suicidal behavior. However, there is a greater need for mental health professionals to engage in an action plan to understand what interventions and services are most effective. Working across sectors and sharing information can certainly help define the best ways to target high-risk groups of suicide. Social workers play an important role in the community and can offer additional ways to overcome barriers to reducing suicide rates. …show more content…
During the Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Training course, the instructor asked the class how suicide had touched everyone in the class. Surprisingly, each of us had been impacted by suicide. For some, someone close to them either tried to or had successfully taken their life, and for others, they had personally contemplated or attempted suicide. We all felt more connected and it further sparked my desire to make suicide-safer

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