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Submitted By Sohil
Words 1575
Pages 7
LUCKNOW: The Associated Chambers of Commerce and Industry of India (Assocham) has prepared a 15-point economic agenda for political parties to include in their poll manifesto for 2012 assembly elections. National secretary general, Assocham, D S Rawat said, "Food processing, automobiles, textiles, leather, cement, healthcare, pharmaceuticals, information technology, real estate and tourism are significant areas which can transform the state economy." He said that Assocham representatives would be meeting leaders of all political parties soon and request to include economic issues in their manifesto for achieving double digit growth during the next decade in UP.
The report prepared by Assocham states that the promotion of public-private partnership in agriculture, industry and service sectors is of prime importance to create new jobs and promote economic activity in the state. Besides, cluster development approach can help spur employment in micro, small and medium enterprises. The report also states that embroidery, rice mills, powerloom, leather, glass, carpet, Banarsi sari, screen printing, food processing, readymade garments, jute, yarn/rope and zari can be developed on the cluster development model.

Over the past several years, party financing scandals have shaken countries in every region of the world. This has led to increased contempt for and public disillusionment with parties and politicians, and undermined the public confidence in the political process. However, for the near future there will be no democracy without political parties. Parties compete for political power, generate democratic governments and shape public policies. To be able to perform the tasks expected of them parties need to generate income. The reality is that it is often the lack of financial resources which prevents certain groups and leaders from achieving political

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