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Solution Focused Family Therapy for Families Coping with Suicide


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Solution Focused Family Therapy for Families Coping With Suicide

The Relevance of Applying This Technique to the Population

Solution focused family therapy refers to a therapy model that helps clients work out on family problems by taking into considerations the resources they already have and the effective solutions they applied previously (Castro & Guterman, 2008). The therapeutic technique is based on the supposition that the clients already know the solution to their problems. The technique is a comprehensive counseling model that integrates most of the contents that fall in line with the client’s observation.

The solution focused family therapy is relevant to populations contemplating suicide because of a number of reasons. For instance, the nature of solution focused therapy technique to dwell on the strengths of the client has been as a result of studies that hint that families dealing with suicide cases have natural resiliency. This implies that solution focused therapy technique works on proven strengths of families dealing with suicide issues. Therefore, the probability of failure is very minimal considering that the outcomes are already premeditated. Similarly, this family therapy model is relevant for families tackling suicide issues because it enables therapists and counselors to personalize treatment to their clients by using a series of techniques thus nurturing a more supportive approach (Castro & Guterman, 2008). These two features of the therapeutic technique draw their fundamental principle that families handling suicide issues already have distinctive sorrowful reactions and hence they will gain from a cooperative, interactive, and premeditated treatment approach. Treating these populations in an interactive perspective is also beneficial because by doing so, the counselor would have enabled family members of the

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