Premium Essay



Submitted By mannieclark
Words 1576
Pages 7
2AD1: Discuss the Strengths and Weaknesses of Each Spreadsheet (Teacher)

Aims to help the teacher: * Recording Results * Tracking the Learners’ Progress

One of the strengths of the teacher’s spreadsheet was the use of conditional formatting. Conditional formatting was helpful by easily presenting data, by formatting a range of cells depending on certain grades or scores means that analysing and categorising data will much easier with a visual representation and the teacher can make more accurate conclusions.

The way the tables are laid out, and by defining a range is very useful for a teacher when it comes to neatly organising a spreadsheet with many tables of class’s results. By defining a range means that tables are easy to input into formulae, and will help reduce errors.

AutoSum is very beneficial to a teacher because it simply adds up an entire column without having to add each cell individually. This saves a lot of time, and helps reduce errors, especially if there is lots of students’ data.

Macros are not included in the spreadsheet, which would’ve been very useful for a teacher. Macros stop repetitive tasks being completed over and over again. This is useful as it saves a lot of time to the teacher, e.g. if they click a customised button which filters data or changes sheets. This will also improve the usability of the spreadsheet and make the data input easier.

Goal seek, which also isn’t included in the spreadsheet, would also be very beneficial for a teacher. Goal seek is where a cell total changes in order to reach a possible result, and this would be vital if a teacher needs to see how many more points a student would need to reach their target grade. This will help save time as it helps draw faster conclusions, it’ll reduce errors as there is lots of students’ data, and helps get the best solution.