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Squally Absch Research Paper

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Pages 2
The Squally-absch have a more sustainable life because they don’t depend on people to follow them around giving them everything that they need and they don’t use pollution. They have a more sustainable live because they depend on the Earth as a source because they don’t have a grocery store and they don’t have very many other decisions. They get the ripened camas in the prairies and the hazelnuts in the lowland meadows. They use the sun in the spring, summer, and fall to get the dried foods that need to be dried. They all life in cedar tree houses because they don’t have anything like factories to make insulation or even bricks. They would even live in a big carved out cedar tree. They don’t have beds to sleep in they sleep on the floor so they are used to not being very comfortable at night. They didn’t have to depend on factories to make their clothing they only depend on the Earth again to supply the things they're used to. They make their clothing from cedar bark and deer furs that they could get most of it in the summer. The everyone had a specific job, even kids. The women would weave baskets from spruce roots, cedar bark, and dried cattails were made into mats. Most of the food that …show more content…
I depend on the stores, factories, and anything that has clothing premade to have it for me because I have not learned what I can used as a supply to make clothing. I depend on construction workers and architects to make homes, condos, or apartments that give me a place with shelter. My extended family lives all over the world, like Germany, France, and Canada, and some other places in the US. I depend on my maid and mom to do chores and buying everything for me and my brother. I have people that come and take away garbage and more people to do stuff like dump trucks and bringing fresh water to my

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