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Standing Up For Your Beliefs

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“Stand up for what you believe in, even if it means standing alone.” I think that standing up for what you believe in is important so that all people can have a say in how they want things to be. If you don’t stand up for what you believe in, people begin to feel disappointed with the way things are, and even regret because they know that they could have done something about the thing they dislike but did not. People might not stand up for what they believe in because they fear being singled out. Standing up for your beliefs is key to having a well-rounded community. If everyone were to say what they believe to be right, we would easily be able to compromise the way we do things to everyone's likings. This would be possible because we would know people's preferences to the way they want to have things, and no one would be left out because they didn't want to say what they believed. An example of this is voting. When people vote, they are expressing their opinions and all of their opinions matter. voting, although is not …show more content…
They make people feel disappointed and regret. People are made angered because they don’t like that way that things are being done. The problem with this is that people only get mad and don’t try to calmly explain what it is that they want. There are also people that feel disappointment. Their feelings might not have a great impact on others, but its not a great feeling to have. Even though we might not pay much attention to the people who feel disappointment, what we do not think of is that this feeling can develop into anger, and that can be a problem. People can feel regret as well. People will regret their decision to stay aside and just watch as their opportunity to speak up passes them by. This happens to way too many people. There is always a time where a person can express their beliefs whether it’s voting, posting something online, or just verbally speaking, and yet many people remain

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