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Statistics: Highly Informative


Submitted By latoshagreer
Words 1422
Pages 6
Statistics: Highly Informative
Latosha Greer
BUS308: Statistics for Managers
Instructor Hayes
June 1, 2014

In this essay I am aim to discuss the differences between descriptive statistics and Inferential statistics and the reasons why we use them. I will also discuss hypothesis development and testing, when to select the appropriate statistical test, and how to evaluating statistical results.
In this class I learned the difference between descriptive statistics and inferential statistics. We use descriptive statistics to measure and analysis data. There are a number of reasons why we use Descriptive statistics. We use it, because Descriptive statistics numerical summaries measure the central tendency of a data set, it can include graphical summaries that show the spread of the data, and they provide simple summaries about the sample that help interpret and analyze data.
First, there are a number of reasons why we use descriptive statistics we use it because descriptive statistics numerical summaries that either measure the central tendency of a data set. In business therefore descriptive statistics helps in making conclusions about various issues and therefore helps in making decision. Description statistics is the first step in analyzing data before making inferences of data, therefore it is important in analyzing any data collected that will help in describing the characteristics of data collected. There are three measurements that we tend to use. One measurement is the mean. The mean is often referred to as the average. The average is found by adding all the data and then multiplying by the total number of data value. We also measure the median. The median is the 50 percent of the added values. Lastly, we commute the mode, which is the data value that occurred the most.
Additionally, Descriptive statistics can include graphical summaries that show the

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