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Stepfamilies: Role Ambiguity And Culture

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(Stoll et al., 2005) elaborated on role ambiguity in stepfamilies: “The complexity and effect of role structures, family life cycle influences, and development transitions are important variables frequently ignored or misunderstood in stepfamily research, creating difficulties in developing authentic role expectations and predictability in stepfamily functioning” (p. 178). The authors elaborated further on role ambiguity and cultural and/or societal expectations of stepfamilies:
Cultural expectations that stepfamilies should model traditional, intact family roles, behaviors and feelings have created misunderstanding and added strains for stepfamilies. Adolescents in this study did not appear to be laden with preconceived expectations for a traditional family. Indirectly, however, they did become victims of the parents’ or stepparents’ need to perform as a traditional family, adding stress to the adolescents’ existence. (p.187 & 188) …show more content…
178). Based on their results, Stoll et al. highlighted that “…the overriding task in stepfamily development is to recognize that the stepfamily is not a nuclear family; attempts to function as nuclear families are likely to fail” (p.

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