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Stereotypes: A Short Story

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All orphans have their own story, some rougher than others. In the movies, you always see a happily ever after. In this case, it is the complete opposite.
“BEN! BEN! Where are you?” “Taylor I’m sleeping in the trunk of the Coop.” said Ben as the wind slammed the passenger door shut.
That was their name for their 13 year old Mini Cooper, the only thing their mother left them. Their mother made a caustic mistake by leaving them when Taylor was only eight years old. Their father died before Ben was born. Their mother left them for a job because she did not have enough money to support the children. Instead of finding a home for her kids, she threw them in an orphanage. Nick is an 18 year old who attends the same school as Taylor. He has long …show more content…
Friday morning came and Taylor, Nick, and Ben enjoyed their day at school. After school, Nick drove Taylor to Ben's school to pick him up, because Taylor did not have enough money for gas. They all enjoyed a lovely homemade dinner and became much closer. It was time for Taylor to open her gift. Ben ran out to Nick’s garage and grabbed the bouquet.

Taylor said. “A gift! You didn’t have …show more content…
Ben yelped with fear. “That money your sister one is mine.”

Nick said, “If I buy the ticket, I get the money. You keep getting in my way and it’s time that ends.” Nick pulled into a back alley with Elvis Presley painted on the wall. He dragged Ben out of the car. He pinned him against the wall and held the gun to his head. At this point, Ben was crying so hard he couldn’t see anything.

Nick said, “Stop crying before someone hears you.”

Ben’s crying caught the attention of the store owner across the street. He ran out of his story and tackled Nick. The man grabbed the gun and threw it to Ben. With a quick punch, Nick knocked the man unconscious. Nick started to run like a cheetah at Ben. Without thinking, Ben shot the gun. The bullet went straight threw Nick’s head. Ben struck by what had just happened, called the police and his sister. Taylor knew something was off about Nick, but didn’t know what. She arrived at the police station where Ben was, and she hugged him with great pleasure.

“I love you.” She whispered as a tear streamed down her face like a rain drop.

“Please don’t cry,” Ben said, “I’m okay and now we can live happily with the lottery

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