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Sth About Critical Thinking


Submitted By wlr215
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The mp3 player
Few years ago, SONY found a way to minify the tape and create the walkman, an original mobile music player which made huge benefits to peoples’ life. Since the pace of human pursuing of perfection is never going to stop, even the walkman is small enough to carry easily, a new kind of portable music player was created after, called mp3 player, one have far less volume than walkman and is available to change music by computer . It has the same design concept as walkman, which is taking the music to anywhere. The mp3 player, therefore, has a succession from the walkman.
What makes the difference is the method to store the music. Walkman uses the old way, storing the music by magnetic tape. Nevertheless, the mp3 player use a storage to store and by the development of mp3 technology, a technology of music compression, it makes it available for more music files. Another advantage of mp3 player is we can easily delete or insert the music files by computer. It is the combination of the concept, carrying music, and the new technology, smaller storage and mp3.

The Chinese fast food
About ten years ago, when Chinese mention fast food they must talk about KFC or Macdonald’s for hardly can we find a Chinese fast food restaurant on the streets. And the situation maintained for a long time till these two years. The conventional Chinese meal would be few dishes and eating for a long time. Therefore, traditionally Chinese will not go to a Chinese restaurant for just a fast meal and the possibility of Chinese fast food in also very little for noticing. However, with the step of development of the economy quickening up, more and more Chinese offer a fast meal between work. Then the Chinese fast food comes out. It is a combination of occidental fast food and Chinese dishes. Chinese fast food use rice and one main dish as a main meal, as the hamburger in KFC and gives several option of minor dishes, as the chickens and snacks in KFC. With the brand new concept, I mean in Chinese dishes, of main meal, Chinese fast food can easily use the notion of “set”, which is also originated from occidental fast food and had never used in Chinese food. After these wonderful combinations, the spread of Chinese fast food is unstoppable.

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