Premium Essay

Strategic Marketing


Submitted By alpovino
Words 2297
Pages 10

Strategic Marketing, the words itself describes that it has a lot to do with technical and specific information. “Strategic marketing means looking at the whole of a company’s portfolio of products and markets, and managing the portfolio to achieve the company’s overall goals”. (Jain, 1987). “ Strategic marketing as seen as a process consisting of:analyzing environmental, market competitive and business factors affecting the corporation and its business units,identifying market opportunities and threats and forecasting future trends in business areas of interest for the enterprise ,and participating in setting objectives and formulating corporate and business unit strategies. Selecting market target strategies for the productmarkets in each business unit, establishing marketing objectives as well as developing, implementing and managing the marketing program positioning strategies in order to meet market target needs”. (Drucker, 1973) Its role is to direct the firm or company towards attractive economic opportunities. The opportunities that are adapted to resources and knowledge and offer a potential for growth and profitability. Strategic marketing includes the way to reach the customers with products and services. It provides competitive advantage by considering segmentation, branding, marketing messages, and positioning. With segmentation, firm can concentrate specifically to particular market as per their buying behavior or lifestyle. As a result, it saves time and money that could be wasted on marketing blindly. The 4 P’s of strategic marketing i.e. Product, Price, Place and Promotion plays vital role in strategic marketing. Term product includes features, packaging, style, quality of the product, term price includes pricing i.e. list price, discounts and payment term, place includes coverage, transportation and locations whereas promotion includes

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