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Summary Of Farewell Leighton Stuart

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After World War II, the U.S. government attempted to negotiate peace between CCP and KMT. After the talks arranged by U.S. ambassador Patrick Hurley became failed, General George C. Marshall came to China as the special representative of President Harry Truman, he managed to negotiate a temporary cease-fire agreement between both sides in China. However, even as both sides talked on the negotiating table, they were still preparing for further war in secret. As a result, the cease-fire agreement was teared up in 1946 and civil war broke out in China that same year. The communists destroyed KMT forces and gained control of major regions one by one. On October1, 1949, Mao Zedong declared the birth of the People’s Republic of China. In December, Chiang Kai-shek fled to Taiwan with the reminder of his troops and the bulk of the nation’s gold supply so that he expected to recover mainland afterwards. The government of United States finally chose to support Chiang’s regime in Taiwan and severed diplomatic relations with the PRC. In reaction to the U.S. policies, Mao Zedong published a sarcastic article “Farewell, Leighton Stuart” to call Stuart “a symbol of the complete defeat of the U.S. policy of aggression.” In 1950, the Korean War broke out. This war thoroughly changed the attitude of the government of the United States towards the communist China-PRC. China became an archenemy of the United States. As Iris Chang stated in her work The Chinese in America: A Narrative History: …show more content…
Before the Korean conflict, the CIA had predicted that the communists would invade Taiwan before the end of 1950, and the state Department was prepared to recognize the People’s Republic of China as the official government of China. But as American soldiers died in the Communist Chinese onslaught, the United States decided to protect Taiwan and cultivate the island as a Pacific base from which to combat communism in

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