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Summary Of The Book 'Where The Mother Dies'

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One of Those Hideous Books Where the Mother Dies

This book is about Ruby Milliken and how her mother has died and is now living in California. She moved out to live with her dad, Whip Logan he’s a famous movie actor. Ruby didn’t want to move to California because she would leave her boyfriend Ray behind and her best friend Lizzie. When Ruby gets to his house it looks like a big mansion to her. Then when she finds her room and it looks just like her dream room. There was also a guy living there too named Max. Max was fun and Ruby and him would talk about a lot of things with him and one day Max told her he was in love with a person named Rip. After being there awhile there was a knock on the door and when they answered it it was famous movie actor Cameron Diaz. Cameron had came over to ask for some vanilla extract for a birthday cake for Drew Barrymore. Cameron also gave Whip a kiss on the cheek and Ruby asked herself this weird question, “Is Cameron Diaz going to be my stepmother?”. Almost everyday Ruby writes a letter to her mom even though she has passed away. Lizzie and Ruby would write back and forth whenever they have the chance to and then there’s …show more content…
She also found out that her Aunt Duffy when Ruby was little would take her places to secretly meet her dad. She also found out that her Aunt Duffy snuck Whip into places so he could see her. Ruby also found out that Whip’s real name is Ripley Loogy. When Ruby was little Duffy took her to see her dad. One time when Whip visited her he told her his name and when she tried to say it she said Whip instead of Rip and that’s how he got the name Whip. When Whip was telling Ruby all this stuff and after he told her his name was Ripley Ruby realized that Max was in love with Whip the whole time and that they were together and they kept it a secret from

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