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Swott Analysis


Submitted By aimee6252
Words 1705
Pages 7
Strategic Plan, Part II: SWOTT Analysi
University of Phoenix
BUS/475 Integrated Business Topics

Strategic Plan, Part II: SWOTT Analysis The SWOTT analysis is one of the most effective tools used by companies in forming a strategic plan. SWOTT is an acronym for Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats, and Trends that face a company. Managers can use this tool as a technique in creating a quick overview of their company’s strategic situation. Pearce & Robinson (2009) states,” It is based on the assumption that an effective strategy derives from a sound “fit” between a firm’s internal resources (strengths and weaknesses) and its external situation (opportunities and threats).”
This paper will analyze some external and internal forces and trends that could affect a new TruHealth Restaurant and Bakery. This will be determined from a created SWOTT table provided below. Each discussed force and trend will include one primary strength, weakness, opportunity, threat, and trend included in the table. The paper will also analyze at least seven forces and trends and how they pertain to TruHealth. Last the paper will discuss technology and competitive analysis, how TruHealth’s adapts to change, supply chain operations, and any significant issues and/or opportunities for this company.

|Strength |Weakness |Opportunity |Threat |Trend
|External Factors |
|Legal and Regulatory | Open and effective |Limited knowledge on |Gaining extensive |Violations of regulations |Laws are become more |knowledge of current regulations and laws
|strict and implemented |community leaders |food laws that could close or suspend business | |regulations |licenses |Economic |Exceptional growth|

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