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Submitted By britbritt
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Identify your major and career goals how will use personal selling in your major and future career? Give specific examples and outline the benefit of being able to sell yourself or an idea.

I am currently a junior at the University of Toledo double majoring in professional sales and marketing. My career goals are to intern with a company that will allow me to advance my skills along with train me in hands on situations that will further my education and skills within the company. I am currently a sells representative and office assistant of a multimillion dollar company, Cutco and have reached 7,000 dollars worth of sales in my first month on the job. After these four weeks I had hit three promotions and am now currently making 30% commission along with ½% of all office sales for being an office assistant. These skills I have learned with Cutco have taught me how to make appointments and how to promote our products and show them the value of the Cutco. I have also learned how to build rapport with customers along with selling myself as a person. The major part of sales is to sell you to the customer and from there the product should be able to sell itself. When you sell yourself you are allowing the customer to trust and believe in you and the product you are promoting. Also selling yourself adds value to your reputation. We all know that a first impression is a lasting one so when you meet someone for the first time you never know whose life you’re about to impact. Also with good rapport and reputation you get better referrals from that customer which then furthers and advances you in the market place. Sales are not the hard part of this because the product or idea being sold should sell itself. The hard part is selling yourself well enough to have the customers engaged and interested in who you

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