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Task 1: Describe How the Debt Collection Industry Has Evolved and Evaluate the Impact This Sector Has on the Uk Economy.


Submitted By zeldabags
Words 916
Pages 4
TASK 1: Describe how the Debt Collection Industry has evolved and evaluate the impact this sector has on the UK economy.

The debt collection industry has evolved dramatically and it has a strong impact on the UK’s economy.
One of the earliest examples of credit goes back to 1572 when moneylenders and pawnbrokers provided ‘survival’ credit however it was not until the late 19th century that instalment credit became available and this was the start of the debt collection industry. Initially the debt collection industry was local based field collectors who would make personal visits to overdue customers. ‘In the early days of merchandising, the proprietor was his own credit manager. His customers were not numerous, and he knew most of them personally. To each applicant of credit accommodation he applied a threefold test. Can he pay? Will he pay? When will he pay? If the answers to these questions were satisfactory, the customer got the goods and the charge went “on book.”’ (Effective collection Methods). The tactics employed at this stage were very much by way of threat and intimidation towards the debtor. These were the early days of debt collection therefore no legislation or guidelines were published therefore the debt collection industry really did work on ‘bullying tactics’ and even threat of exposure to other people and the threat of bankruptcy. However the evolution of tactics employed by the debt collection industry is only a recent change in comparison to the length of time debt collection has been around. The first set of regulations were The Consumer Credit Act 1974 (the Act) requires most businesses that offer goods or services on credit or for hire, or that lend money to consumers, to be licensed by the Office of Fair Trading (OFT).,he OFT first issued specific guidance covering debt recovery activities in July 2003 ( this has most

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