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Tata Steel


Submitted By monishthakkar
Words 716
Pages 3
2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012
Cash flows from Operations
Net income 12,790 27,149 54,424 55,150 63,130 163,711 67,432 310 121,020 85,850
Depreciation & amortization 5,697 6,464 6,518 8,910 14,482 48,502 48,693 50,809 51,913 45,167
Investment gain & loss -226 -1,144 -1,700 -1,669 -3,437 -1,938 -6,946 -15,083 -7,388 -33,684
Income taxes 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Stock based compensation 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Working capital changes
Accounts receivable 1,720 4,008 1,174 -1,132 -9,601 -20,517 30,034 20,876 -47,190 8,887
Inventory -267 -1,547 -6,345 -2,373 -6,400 -27,013 10,123 18,842 -48,885 4,077
Accounts payable 1,179 3,510 -4,162 -2,239 18,542 27,753 -37,309 6,747 24,326 -1,374
Other working capital 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Minority Interest 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Other items 3,046 1,564 1,271 -70 3,235 -15,552 78,603 51,416 8,436 1,498
Cash provided by operat... 23,800 39,454 50,415 55,479 76,476 161,068 190,772 129,296 96,980 149,362
Income tax paid -2,341 -9,423 -18,667 -18,198 -21,446 -26,867 -33,813 -24,586 -32,351 -36,524
Net cash generated from op... 21,458 30,030 31,748 37,281 55,030 134,202 156,959 104,710 64,629 112,838
Cash flows from Investment
Investments in PPE -4,698 -10,082 -20,621 -19,328 -29,751 -84,166 -84,337 -71,495 -104,160 -121,360
Sale of PPE 407 585 297 511 480 4,231 727 2,024 2,524 1,774
Purchases of investment -18,255 -47,309 -72,388 -82,007 -285,519 -333,779 -607,568 -1,915,783 -1,028,627 -2,037
Sales/Maturities of investment 14,138 35,495 71,644 73,561 153,425 353,535 580,683 1,936,851 1,014,828 73,301
Acquisitions, net 0 0 -1,252 -6 -6,686 -407,405 -1,828 -3,538 28,133 7,215
Lease Cost 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Other investing activities -281 486 1,130 -18 -48 0 3,020 4,088 0 -1,750
Net cash used for Investin... -8,206 -19,616 -20,008 -24,991 -162,882 -461,953

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