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Tattoo Thesis by Minnehaha


Submitted By Minnehaha
Words 7551
Pages 31
TATTOO MANIA! (An A-Z of Flash Tattoos)
A proposed book illustration and its promotion
A Thesis presented to the
College of Fine Arts and Design

In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirement for the
Degree of Bachelor of Fine Arts
Major in Advertising


Ma. Minerva Minnehaha V. Capco


Although our country still remains conservative as compared to the West, the prevalence of Skin Art here in the Philippines is still unstoppable. Filipinos of the latest generations have gradually started opening up to embrace a whole new subculture---a subculture that is more experimental with art, music and sports. Crews and crews of Graffiti artists as well as Skaters are flourishing, Local bands are reaching new heights, and of course, the Industry of Tattooing is growing by the minute.

The word tattoo was said to have two major derivations. From the Polynesian word “Ta” which means “to strike something” and from the Tahitian word “Tatau” which means “to mark something”.

Archaeologists across the globe have unearthed preserved corpses and mummies that are tattooed. These mummies are said to have lived thousands of years ago, and most of the bodies bore tattoos that signify their cultures, ranks and beliefs. According to research, tattooing has been in activity to many countries such as Japan, Egypt, China, Polynesia, New Zealand, Indonesia, India, Thailand, Africa, Ancient Greece and Rome, America, England, France, and the Middle East thousands of years ago.

It is arguably claimed that tattooing has existed since 12,000 years BC and it is as diverse as the people who wear them. The purpose of tattooing varies from culture to culture and its place on the time line. Tattoos have served as rites of passage, marks of status or rank, symbols of religious and spiritual

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