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Submitted By mkeita
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Suanira Morel
Prof. Watson
Lit 237
15 May 2015 Exile and Totalitarianism
The rise of totalitarianism often plays a major role in the exile of a large group of people. Many times when a dictator arrives at a nation with intent to take rule over it, certain people go immediately into hiding or even flee the country. Although this puts them at a huge risk that may result in death, they face even greater risks when staying in the country to face the rise of fascism. Along with the victims, those who help them also face a great risk of getting caught and then arrested or killed.
The concept of exile brings about many new problems for people to deal with. When in hiding, an individual may suffer so much turmoil that it can affect them psychologically or even take a toll on them physically. This tragedy will often bring about many mixed emotions from someone, where some days will be easier than others. The isolation alone that results from being in hiding can have a major affect on a person. The Diary Of a Young Girl is a great body of work when referring to exile because Anne Frank wrote an entry every single day on the struggles of her daily life being in hiding. This book is a great representation of the worries that thousands were faced with when Hitler was in power.
It is ironic that although Anne’s family was going through a tragedy themselves, they still felt fortunate enough to be thankful that after all, they did not end up like many of their peers. On page seventy-six, Anne writes
“No one is able to keep out of it, the whole globe is waging war and although it is going better for the Allies, the end is not yet in sight. And as for us, we are fortunate. Yes, we are luckier than millions of people. It is quiet and safe here, and we are, so to speak, living on capital. We are even so selfish as to talk about ‘after the war,’ brighten up at the thought of having new clothes and new shoes, whereas we really ought to save every penny, to help other people, and save what is left from the wreckage after the war.”
While the families had struggles of their own living in silence for years, they still felt that they were in fact lucky and this kept them alive. Their hope to survive this situation was a factor that helped them live through the situation. Surely, they went through moments where they felt that the stress was getting to them, but they remained hopeful that they would see the end one day and their brave attitudes helped make their days easier. In reality, there can only be so much for two large families living in one small household to do to keep busy and remain peaceful. Although the families did their best to live normal lives to an extent and keep positive, there were a few instances where they feared for their safety and were afraid that they would be discovered. On Thursday, March 25, 1943 Anne writes a journal entry about the burglars who came into the warehouse. She ends the entry with
“So we all went to bed; but none of us could get to sleep. Daddy as well as Mummy and Mr. Dussel were awake, and without much exaggeration I can say that I hardly slept a win. This morning the men went downstairs to see whether the outside door was still shut, and everything turned out to be quite safe. We gave everyone a detailed description of the nerve-racking event. They all made fun of it, but it is easy to laugh at such things afterwards. Elli was the only one who took us seriously.”
The entire journal entry is interesting because of the lightheartedness used to describe the situation; particularly in the last two lines where Anne writes “…it is easy to laugh at such things afterwards.” It is shocking to believe that this can ever be a situation that anyone would ever be able to laugh about, especially the very people who experienced it. This quote is very symbolic in the novel because it shows the strength and courage that these families possessed. One interesting point to remember about totalitarianism, is that there will always be a group of people who feel that what is being done is wrong and with hearts kind enough to help those in need. The group of people who helped those in the “Secret Annexe” put themselves at risk every day just by allowing them to live there. On page one hundred sixty-three Anne writes in her diary
“Never have we heard one word of the burden which we certainly must be to them, never has one of them complained of all the trouble we give. They all come upstairs every day, talk to the men about business and politics, to the women about food and wartime difficulties, and about newspapers and books with the children. They put on the brightest possible faces, bring flowers and presents for birthdays and bank holidays, are always ready to help and do all they can. That is something we must never forget; although others may show heroism in the war or against the Germans, our helpers display heroism in their cheerfulness and affection.”
This journal entry is one of the most powerful in the book because it is a tribute, not only to those who helped the ones in the Secret Annexe survive as long as they did, but also to all people who helped others in hiding. This passage humanizes all the other folks who were not Jewish, because it shows that they were not all trying to harm Jews. In fact, they were putting their own lives at risk for them.
In April of 1944, Anne describes another situation where burglars were involved and on page two hundred twenty-six, she writes about a man who had a conversation with Henk, which was very interesting.
“On the way back Henk happened to meet our greengrocer at the corner, and told him that he house had been broken into. ‘I know that’, he said quite coolly. ‘I was passing last evening with my wife and saw the hole in the door. My wife wanted to walk on, but I just had a look in with my torch; then the thieves cleared at once. To be on the safe side, I didn’t ring up the police as with you I didn’t think it was the thing to do. I don’t know anything, but I guess a lot.’ Henk thanked him and went on. The man obviously guesses that we’re here, because he always brings the potatoes during the lunch hour. Such a nice man!”
This journal entry is another example of the kind-hearted people who do exist. It is easy to generalize and blame society as a whole in the event of totalitarianism, however there are generally many people who are against the evil act but feel they do not have the power to change it and remain silent out of fear. Throughout the novel, Anne goes through a variety of moods due to the stress of the situation. On some days, she writes in a way that portrays strength and faith in the future, while other journal entries reflect hopelessness. On April 4, 1944 Anne begins her entry with the line “For a long time I haven’t had any idea of what I was working for anymore; the end of the war is so terribly far away, so unreal, like a fairy tale.” This one line is a representation of the days that are tough for those in hiding, when they begin to feel weak and lose hope. When totalitarianism is taking place, the years seem to drag by for those who are suffering. Although it might only last for a few years, it is an eternity to those who are victims. Just like any tough situation that one may struggle with, there will be good and bad days. This line represents those tough days for Anne and the rest of the family in the Secret Annexe. The Diary of Anne Frank is a very significant novel, and Anne knew that at the time, which is very interesting. On page two hundred fifty-five, she writes to Kitty
“Now, about something else: you’ve known for a long time that my greatest wish is to become a journalist someday and later on a famous writer. Whether these leanings towards greatness (or insanity?) will ever materialize remains to be seen, but I certainly have the subjects in my mind. In any case, I want to publish a book entitled Het Achterhuis after the war. Whether I shall succeed or not, I cannot say, but my diary will be a great help. I have other ideas as well, besides Het Achterhuis….”
This journal entry is interesting because it demonstrates that these people who were forced to exile knew that they would one day have a legendary story to tell. It is as if they knew that their story is not just any ordinary story. It is easy to think that these people have accepted a tragedy such as this one to define their life and let it take over, but they actually do believe that they are indeed survivors who will be able to tell their story someday. Towards the end of the novel, on page two hundred sixty-eight, Anne writes
“Oh, Kitty, the best part of the invasion is that I have the feeling that friends are approaching. We have been oppressed by those terrible Germans for so long, they have had their knives so at our throats, that the thought of friends and delivery fills us with confidence!”
This entry was written on the sixth of June and the last entry of Anne’s diary was written in August. This quote was from a quote just a few months before Anne was taken. It is amazing that these people in hiding never lost their faith up until the very end of their journey. Although exile can be very difficult and traumatizing, it is something that must be dealt with only with positivity and hope, which Anne remained to have all the way through. There were days that the families in the Secret Annexe lost their hope, but they also seemed to gain their faith back. This positivity and courage allowed them to live through the invasion for two years longer than most of their friends did. The novel shows the turmoil, stress, anxiety, and hope that goes along with totalitarianism and being forced out of your home.

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