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Tectonic Activity


Submitted By ritikaa
Words 2871
Pages 12
Unit 4 exemplar report

OPTION 1: Tectonic Activity and Hazards

Note: These exemplar reports are based on the work of candidates under examination conditions, during the June 2010 examination series. The reports were originally hand written but have been typed up, with diagrams redrawn. Errors, including QWC errors, have in most cases been kept. The aim of these exemplar reports is to highlight good practice and areas of potential improvement. The marking levels and examiners comments given are indicative and should be used as a basis for discussion in the classroom, rather than indicating a specific grade.

Pre-release research focus * Explore the range of tectonic event profiles and how these and other factors affect the responses of people and governments. * Research contrasting locations and hazard events to draw out the range of tectonic activity and the different responses generated.

Report title:
‘Tectonic hazard profiles determine the way in which people and governments respond to hazards’. Discuss

Student’s plan:
Intro – definitions
Park model
THP factors
Magnitude – Lincolnshire, Iripinia
Speed onset - Popocatepetl, Kashmir
Areal Extent – tsunami
Other factors - economic development Scientific understanding Location
Conclusion - why chose case studies
Nevado del Ruiz
Loma Prieta

Tectonic hazards pose significant challenges to humans. Earthquakes alone have claimed over 1 million lives in the last 100 years. A tectonic hazard can be defined as an event occurring due to movement or deformation of the earth’s crust with the potential to

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