Premium Essay

Temper Tantrums


Submitted By jistbrenda
Words 730
Pages 3
A child that you are working with is four years old and has not had much discipline from his parents. He is out of control and will not listen to any authority figures. He throws temper tantrums when someone tells him what to do and will scream at the top of his lungs if he does not like something. He will be entering school soon and the school will not allow him in the class with this behavior. (Kidwell, Young, Hinkle, Ratliff, Marcum, & Martin, 2010). “assert that emotional competence play a key role in early childhood development that will have implications for their behavior in a school setting” (Kidwell, Young, Hinkle, Ratliff, Marcum, & Martin, 2010). For example, behaviors such as hyperactivity, oppositional behaviors are viewed as a breakdown in emotional skills development. The emotions underlying these behaviors according to Kidwell include: “(a) knowing one's own affective states, (b) understanding the emotions of others, (c) and being able to express feelings through vocabulary. Pre-school children may have an attachment to parents that prevent them from expressing themselve appropriately”(Kidwell,Young,Hinkle,Ratliff,Marcum,&Martin
Jimmy goes into fits and throws himself on the floor screaming and crying until his mom and dad give in to his demands.

“The Behavior therapist approach includes a variety of techniques in the assessment of children including: “(a) conducting a functional behaviorist assessment, and (b) understand why the child is exhibiting the behavior” (Kidwell,Young,Hinkle,Ratliff,Marcum,&Martin,2010). The behavioral intervention plan is primarily focused on developing more appropriate behaviors, the following goals are considered: “(a) replace undesirable behavior with more appropriate behavior, and (b) create new conditions for learning appropriate behavior”(Kidwell,

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