In the book Swiss Family Robinson, Tentholm is the first place where they live. Tentholm was located on the beach and that is where they stored all of their goods. Once they made other homes, they still used Tenholm. It was still used a storing house, what they did there, and what it looks like.
First and Foremost, Tentholm was used to store items and helped them find some items too. A couple of items they stored there was butter,cheese,ball,shots, armor, and ammunition. The wife made the butter and put in a jar,while she was there. They found potatoes while on their way to Tentholm. They found the potatoes by going a different way. Then they brought a porcupine back to Tentholm because Juno and Turk went and attacked it. When they attacked it, they got the quills in their skin. Since they did, once they return to Tentholm the wife had to remove the quills.…show more content… They were able to go fishing while at Tentholm. The ocean was in front of the home. They caught lots of fish and other oceanic animals while fishing. One of the first animal they ¨caught” was a crab. Whenever they got the crab from Jack’s leg they took home to Tentholm and cooked it. They did this many more times throughout the book with many other oceanic animals, including lobster and crawfish. Tentholm is where the wife stayed most of the time cooking and doing her other wifely duties since it was near the ocean. This is where most of the animals that died went to be fixed by the