Free Essay

Tes Lalalal


Submitted By fisalfr
Words 650
Pages 3
tes ah.

1. Ticketing online (blitz ok)
- Blitz --> lebih gampang kalau ada blitz card, bisa beli online dari kost, milih tempat duduk dan gak terikan oleh s/d jam 11 siang. datang ke blitz nge pas waktu tayang jadi bisa langsung nonton. , ni salah satu perusahaan menurut gw yang nerapin IT sampe ke strategic perusahaannya.
- xxi --> sudah bisa pilih tempat duduk tapi cuman sampe jam 11 itu juga kalau jam 11 kurang 10 dah gak bisa di beli . software ticketing client sama ticketing di counter bioskop kagak integrasi. tapi iklan pembelian tiketnya wahh banget

2. ticketing di counter (xxi ok)
- blitz --> antri nya panjang, ane kalau nonton dadakan di CP pasti antri panjang. counter sekalian jualan makanan.
- xxi --> kalau nonton di TA, paling lama antri 2-3 orang kecuali kalau satnight, beuhhh promo buy 1 get 1 free bca bikin antrian sembako.

3. promo ticket (blitz ok)
- blitz --> sekarang banyak kerja sama dengan CC, mandiri, permata, telkomsel friday dan cc lainnya. bisa ada promo buy 1 get 1 free
- XXI --> semenjak promo BCA cuman bisa sabtu ane dah males ke XXI

4. suasana counter (blitz cozy)
- blitz --> lebih enak, sofa nya banyak. Suasana rada gelap, untuk anak muda yang pacaran asik.
- xxi --> tempat duduknya dikit, jadi kalau nunggu film kudu muter" mall. Muales banget kalau muter".

5. staff (xxi ok)
-blitz --> apa memang pangsa pasarnya untuk anak gaholl dan anak muda, pakaian santai banget. sebenarnya kalau liat di sisi lain, mereka ini pengen mencoba sesuatu yang out of box. nyentrik sendiri pakaiannya.
-XXI --> dah kayak pramugrari, ada bodyguard segala. cakep" memang dah kayak espegeh.

6. tempat duduk (blitz enak)
- blitz --> pasti blitz, sandarannya sudah punya standart international untuk tempat duduknya.
- XXI --> kayak tempat duduk di BUS UMUM. kaku, sempit dan bikin pegel

7. sound (XXI ok)
- blitz --> gw kurang tau ini sengaja atau bukan tapi cewek" rata" seneng d blitz, gak terlalu kenceng katanya. enak dan santai, sementara kalau laki" khan demen yang kenceng dan nge bas.
- xxi --> dolby 5.1 nya bikin suara kalau tembak"an bergetar tu bangku.

8. layar 2D (blitz ok)
- blitz --> gw lebih enak nonton 2D di blitz, apalagi kalau dapat bangku di samping atau ke depan dikit, gak terlalu pusing miring"in badan
-xxi --> ntah karena pengen bikin bangku banyak, kalau dapat tempat duduk yang samping atau 4 bangku dari bawah gw dah males nonton di XXI

9. 3D (blitz ok) (tidak ikut di bandingin dengan IMAX)
- blitz --> 3D nya enak. gak pusing..
- XXI --> 3Dnya bikin pusing, setengah jam sekali kudu buka kaca mata 3D dan kucek" mata dulu. baru nonton lagi

10. Film terbaru (XXI ok)
- blitz --> film terbaru hollywood nya ketingalan. jadi kalau mau nonton film terbaru pasti selalu ngelirik XXI
- XXI --> selalu update dengan film terbaru hollywood nya.

11. nomat (blitz ok)
- blitz --> tidak mengenal one day before day off. mis: harga senin-kamis 35rb,jumat 40,sabtu dan hari libur 50rb. kamis ini tanggal merah, rabu masih dapat HTM (35rb)
- xxi --> aji mumpung tanggal merahnya. onde day before day off = jumat = htm OFF. harga senin - kamis 30rb jumat 40rb, sabtu minggu 50rb --> kalau case di atas kamis tanggal merah, rabu nonton = 40rb. dan kasus kemaren itu (akhir taon 2012) hampir seminggu gak ada HTM

so dari semua penilaiannya gw masih milih blitz, semoga ni blitz gak tumpur" invest untuk technollogy nya dah ajib. sayang kalau stop. bioskop yang ane gunain untuk perbandingan (XXI Taman Anggrek, dan Blitz Central Park)

Original Posted By RobertPattinson ►
Blitz realD 3D nya dewa Dolby 3D XXI sucks kacamata berat efek 3D keluar nya kadang kadang malah kadang ga sama sekali

Proyektor + Speaker emang masih bagusan XXI lah iya lah pelopor bioskop di Indonesia paling pertama blitz kan baru berkembang dr 2007 tp udah lumayan sekarang pake branco semua dulu agak gelap speaker blitz masih suka pilek

Pelayanan Blitzmegaplex lebih ramah dan sopan sama costumer di XXI? najis gw sering di jutekin sama mbak mbak

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... The principle of Yin and Yang is a fundamental idea in Chinese philosophy and culture as a rule dating from the third century BCE or considerably prior. This guideline is that all things exist as inseparable and opposing alternate extremes, for instance female-male, dark- light and old-young. The two opposites are drawn toward each other and supplement one another and, as their symbol shows, every side has at its center a component of the other (represented by the little dots). Neither one of the poles is better than the other and, as an increment in one gets a comparing decline in the other, a right harmony between the two posts must be reached in order to accomplish congruity. 2. The main scripture in Daoism is the Daodejing (Tao Te Ching). What is the history and importance of this text for the tradition? The book has been linguistically dated to about 350 BCE, but it seems to have circulated in several earlier forms. In 1972, at the tombs of Mawangdui, archeologists discovered two ancient copies of the text that differ from the arrangement commonly used. Another shorter ancient version was found in a tomb at Guodian in 1993. It contains about one-third of the standard text.1 The version that is commonly known and used is from the third century CE. One theory holds that its overall purpose was political, that it was meant as a handbook for rulers; another sees it primarily as a religious guidebook, meant to lead adherents to spiritual insight; and still another...

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...My Dear Pupil, As you are no longer under my teaching and on your own I feel it necessary to write you this letter. Amid this world of such contrast and selfishness you will now go into the world armed with the knowledge I have given you. As we have discussed in my time in teaching you, I want to once again emphasize the importance of what we believe and practice in our day to day lives. Most importantly always follow the, “Tao, the source of all necessity, meaning, order, and existence, the Way the universe functions.” (Lao Tzu). You must always follow the Way with humbleness! Remember,” That even the wisest of humans is still ignorant”. (Lao Tzu, seventh-sixth century B.C.E.). To act on ignorance under the false front that is knowledge will lead not to progress with in the individual and society, but will actually have the opposite effect. We as humans are not to interfere with the world but rather create a humble understanding of the way our world functions. To do this you must understand all of the Tao. As humans we cannot force change on the world, simply follow the patterns that the universe has laid out before us. Never forget, “The Tao is like an empty bowl that holds and yields the vital energy in all things”. (Lao Tzu). Through this understanding you will reach fulfillment. Free yourself of all selfish desires and turn your attention and knowledge to the deep-rooted Tao, where all is one, and you will acquire the secrets of quiet...

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