Free Essay

Tesco Functional Areas


Submitted By Hyon4232
Words 4201
Pages 17
    %0,7093:3.943,9%08.488.43.0730/17899/03913907 .:8942078 300/8,3/,398,3/903038:739,990574;/044/8,3/ 807;.089420099480300/8,3/,398 1,70931,94/498903 90.:894207829-0902590/,,9449078:5072,70988:.,8 $,38-:7 8   3%08.4890/0391.:894207 8300/8-80993:5,8:7;0 398 8:7;0904:/3.:/0930 ,99074-8,70,3/42:.43 ,;07,0900,73 190798904:/-0,-094574;/0,9.:8942078 300/8,70 ,70934:/3974/:.0,7,3041574/:.98948:990 .:8942078,..47/39490708,,7 %0807,308,70 47,3.  %08.48 3089  4,9 /09  %08.4;,:0 ,3/ 0,9;3 ,709 3,9 %08.48,;0.70,90/90807,308948:9.:89420784/43 970,0,73 2:.17429074- %07,308:.,8 %08.4',:0 574;/08574/:.98 9,407;,:0-:9906:,94190574/:.984   ,7093,9%08.48411078 .:-.,7/8 94.:89420789,9.,30.,3090 543989,9900,731742-:374.070809.394-:35097447/080 147,.0,50757.0 %08.48,84,;0,-43:8.,7/ 90-03019814798950 41.,7/89,9907083439070895,2039-,.0;070,7 
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Unit 1 Coursework

...Exploring Business Purposes Introduction This unit is based on exploring a business. There are two tasks in this assignment. I have been asked to do; Describe four types of business from the, primary, secondary, and territory. I will be describing their purpose, ownership, size, scale. Differences & Similarities between Business because each business are different from each other in so many ways. I need to illustrate how the 3 sectors are all linked together. All businesses have objectives which they aim to fulfill in order for their business to run smoothly and effectively as possible. I will also be, looking at the companies aims to see if they have reached them yet, or what they are doing to reach their aim. I will be explaining areas of growth. As a result of the research I found the following information from research on the computer, getting help from teacher and by my own knowledge. :Sainsbury’s: Background information Sainsbury's Supermarkets is the UK's longest standing major food retailing chain, having opened its first store in 1869. The Sainsbury's brand is built upon a heritage of providing customers with healthy, safe, fresh and tasty food. It differentiates itself by offering a broad range of great quality products at fair prices with particular emphasis on fresh food, a strong ethical approach to business and continuous leadership and innovation. Size of business J Sainsbury plc consists of Sainsbury's – a chain of 504 supermarkets and 319 convenience...

Words: 5399 - Pages: 22

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...Task 1 Tesco, the largest retailer in UK as well as the third biggest in the world in terms of revenue, originally specialising in food and drink, it has diversified into areas such as clothing, consumer electronics, financial services, telecoms, health and car insurance, dental plans, retailing and renting DVDs, CDs, music downloads, internet services and software. Tesco was founded in 1919 by Jack Cohen. In 1924 the brand Tesco was first started the journey and 1932 it became a private limited company. Now Tesco is operating in 14 countries all over the world. There are 4,331 Tesco stores and employ over 500,000 people and serve tens of millions of customers every week. Tesco’s well established and consistent business strategy has enabled it to strengthen the core UK business and expand into new markets successfully. Tesco’s business strategies are mainly focusing on huge domestic market of financial services, telecoms and non-food. One of the main objectives of Tesco’s business strategy is to create sustainable long term growth and according to the company this could be achieved by expanding into global market. The company initially focused on Asia and central Europe. Most recently it has made its entry into the US market. In 1997 Tesco first decided to diversify and according to the company itself this was the basis of its recent success. As a result of this strategy several new businesses have been created by Tesco for the last 12 years and most of these businesses are...

Words: 5671 - Pages: 23

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P1 – Describe How Two Businesses Are Organised

...Describe how two businesses are organised It is extremely significant that businesses are organised. If businesses are organised they are more likely to be efficient, effective and productive. One way in which a business is organised is by organisational chart. An organisational chart is a diagram that shows the way in which staff in a business/company are organised. The chart displays the specific roles and responsibilities of employers/employees; it displays who staff are responsible for and who is responsible for the staff. The chart is significant when making decisions and point’s both employers and employees in the direction of who to speak to if they have an issue, question or complaint. Span of control is when a number of underlings...

Words: 414 - Pages: 2

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Doc. Business Environment

...they focus on their remit they are given by the government. The government have to monitor the operations of their departments to ensure that the public gets value for money. They also support the unlikely event that one government department goes into debt, and funds from other departments. Partnership To an investigation of a Partnership, it is referred as the arrangement in which parties agree to cooperate to advance their mutual interests. Governmentally recognized partnerships may enjoy special benefits in tax policies. ORGANISATIONS From the point of this view, TESCO and FARMFOODS are the chosen organisations which would be on focused. These organisations are rather going to be based on different factors such as Business activity, Business sector, and Business purpose, Ownership of the business, the extent of owners’ liability for debts and the key stakeholders of the business. Tesco Business activity: In...

Words: 3550 - Pages: 15

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Organisational Structure

...values and interests of the organization members during the course of their association with organizations. Task 1: Understanding Organisational Structure and Culture Structure in one way is the planning of duties used for the job to be done whereas culture is the intricate as a whole which includes information, belief, art, ethics, customs and any other potentials and habits obtained by members of a society. Organisational structures and cultures Organizations are established in distinct ways to accomplish particular goals, and the structure of a business can help or hold back its progress toward achievement of these goals. Following are some of the different types of organisational structures and cultures. Functional Structure and Culture Functional structure is established so that every part of the organization is grouped in accordance with its principle. In this type of business, there may be...

Words: 3035 - Pages: 13

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Research Method Assignmnet Quesion

...Structure and Culture Structure in one way is the planning of duties used for the job to be done whereas culture is the intricate as a whole which includes information, belief, art, ethics, customs and any other potentials and habits obtained by members of a society. Organisational structures and cultures example of a student's work Organizations are established in distinct ways to accomplish particular goals, and the structure of a business can help or hold back its progress toward achievement of these goals. Following are some of the different types of organisational structures and cultures. Functional Structure and Culture Functional structure is established so that every part of the organization is grouped in accordance with its principle. In this type of business, there may be a marketing division, a sales division and a production division. One of the disadvantages to a functional structure is that the synchronization and communication between divisions can be restricted by the organizational limits of having the various divisions working independently. (Writing) Divisional Structure...

Words: 2934 - Pages: 12

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Organizational Behaviour

...Organisational Behaviour Organisational Behaviour By Natalie Hands-Siviter Tutor; Julian Billingham Course; HND Business November ‘15 Table of contents Page: Introduction ……………………………………………...................................................................3 Terms of reference …………………………………………………………………………………………………...3 Research methods ……………………………………………………………………………………………………4 Google’s background …………………………………………………………………………………………………5 Tesco’s background ……………………………………………………………………………………………………5 Analysis of organisational structure Google’s organisational structure ……………………………………………………………………………....6 Tesco’s organisational structure ………………………………………………………………………………….7 Comparison of Google’s and Tesco’s structure …………………………………………………….........8 Analysis of organisational culture Google’s organisational culture …………………………………………………………………………………..9 Tesco’s organisational culture ……………………………………………………………………………………..10 Comparison of Google’s and Tesco’s organisational culture ………………………………………..11 Organisational Theory’s ………………………………………………………………………………………………..12 Conclusion ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………13 Bibliography …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………14 Introduction One of the biggest problems in today’s world for managers is managing the people. This is the reason many managers and owners need a good working organisational...

Words: 3731 - Pages: 15